Bridging the Link Between Reading & Meditation

A common phrase I hear quite frequently from people is “I have trouble quieting my mind” or “I have a hard time meditating because my thoughts are always racing”. It’s perfectly normal and not an indication of anything is wrong. Thoughts are powerful and they need to be exercised. I might have a good solution for you to connect your thoughts to images. It’s actually something you’ve been doing for many years! It’s also something that is quite natural for all of us since we been doing it from our early stages of life. It’s reading a book!

Reading a book is an extremely effective form of meditation. Reading and meditation share 99% of the same characteristics. The goal with Meditation is to relax the mind and body, focus, balance, listen to your inner voice, charge your batteries, connect with images that the mind is producing. Align all these qualities together and you will obtain better mental and physical health.

You can insert “the goal with reading a book” with all the list of qualities with “the goal with meditation” as mentioned above. They are exactly the same thing and can be interchanged to produce the same result.

When you read a book, you are sitting down in quiet place. Focused, relaxed your inner voice is talking while you read the words. As your inner voice reads the text the third eye is generating images. That right there is the key link. Practicing quieting of the mind and simultaneously allowing the mind to feed you visuals. That’s why I think reading is not only a gateway path to your strong meditation practice, but a beautiful form of meditation right in itself

So in conclusion, if someone were to say “I have such a hard time meditating” my advice would be “read a book everyday for a week or two”. Let’s say you get into the habit of reading a book every night at 7:30 PM to 8:00 PM. You are laying the ground work for a healthy routine, creating a pattern, training the mental and physical body. Reading creates muscle memory. After two weeks all you do is remove the book at 7:30 PM and now your mind is the text. The connection between thoughts and visuals will flow and feel so much more natural to you.

Top 35 Best Sound Healing Blogs & Websites

If you are interested in reading Sound Healing content and diving into different views across the world from people who are in the practice here’s a link of the “Top 35 best Sound Healing Blogs & Websites”. is featured on this list and a nice source for content on Jesse’s journey and views on topics related to Meditation, Sound and Mother Earth. Enjoy some nice reading material there!


How to Arrange Crystals in Your Home, According to the Experts

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:

How to Arrange Crystals in Your Home, According to the Experts

“As with any interior design style, the best decor elements are ones that balance aesthetics and function. And the same can be applied when using crystals in the home. While displaying a crystal in any room may seem to do the trick, placing them strategically can help transform your space into one of positivity.

Wondering how to arrange crystals in your home but not sure how to get started? We’ve got you covered. Redfin reached out to us and other experts from Vancouver, BC, to Miami, FL, for our best tips and tricks on arranging crystals in your home to help remove the guesswork. From the outside in, here are 16 ways to use crystals in your home.”

(Read the full article)

Light Thinking in a Heavy World

I’ve noticed lately that wrongful expectations are being put on the act of Meditation. It’s as if the word “Meditation” is holding so much weight now that it’s almost become a turnoff for people to do or to enjoy. One of the most common things I hear people say is “I have trouble quieting my mind, it won’t turn off.” That’s perfectly normal and please don’t think that something is wrong or have it discourage you. I almost don’t even think we should use the word Meditate anymore. It feels like one single word can box you in, and in a way become like a forced act under a time limit. How about just going through the act of sitting quiet for however long you feel comfortable, without any expectations or attached philosophies of what should or shouldn’t happen. Let’s not call it anything or think you failed because a galactic spiritual psychic reading of past life visuals didn’t come to you when you closed your eyes while sitting cross legged in a lotus position.

At the same time, yes it has become more difficult to shut off the mind. Why? Well in this day and age there’s a problem of individuals being swarmed by electronics. It’s created an alternate universe, a virtual false reality. The amount of time spent in digital worlds is hurting us mentally, physically, and spiritually. The way humans now communicate has changed and not for the better. We were designed to talk, it is healthy to talk to friends and family and be able to express or listen to people in our lives. How often do we do that anymore? This isolated way of life is not natural. Therefore our minds and bodies are a bit confused now. Technology has forced our brains to become fast paced with a short attention span. So if you are staring at your phone or computer for a good amount of time then try to “quiet the mind” for Meditation that connection becomes a bit harder to plug into. It’s like being in the dark then turning on a light, it’s quite startling at first and takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust as opposed to having a dimmer switch and turning the light to a low setting. It’s so much more comforting and easy on the eyes when going from a dark setting to a bright setting having a adjustable dimmer light to make it soft and gradual on the eyes. The mind is being overwhelmed with instant and constant information from electronics that when you try to sit in silence the transition comes on too strong like the light switch. This is resulting in difficulties of enjoying a comfortable silence

We also need to stop minimizing Meditation into a 20 minute silent act with eyes closed and sitting crossed legged. Your 3rd eye is always on. Not just for 20 minutes, it’s on and alert for 24 hours. Eyes closed or eyes shut, do you trust in what you see and feel through imagery? The visualization is always there with you in every step of your daily life. The third eye never takes time off. In fact, it’s so efficient that unfortunately the connection becomes almost too routine. Driving in your car, watching TV, conversing with someone, walking down the street, you’ll notice that there’s a whole other layer to you and constantly feeding you visuals. This is why it’s important to be in sync with your intuition. Meditating shouldn’t have a time clock, it’s active at all times.

This is directed for those trying to Meditate on your own time. In a electronic-driven era we have to evolve and adapt to the environment. Even though computer technology is not healthy for the development of our spirituality, let’s now use it as a platform to shed the old standards. Let’s take it and turn Meditation into a harmonic flow for everyday life situations and make “quieting of the mind” not feel like a homework assignment but a enjoyable and pleasant way of life.

The Significance of Raising your Vibration

“Raising your vibration” is a term used when a person reaches a new level of enlightenment. You develop a new sense of awareness and shed some of your old ways pertaining to lifestyle or even thought patterns. In most cases peoples understanding of the this term is that it’s a metaphysical phrase, but I would like to believe this is actually more than just a spiritual concept or a hashtag for a social media post. My findings are that the aura could quite possibly have its own pulse. Each of us has a frequency vibration that can be calibrated. Even each of your organs (heart, brain, lungs, stomach, etc.) has a vibration or sound. So raising your vibration in turn is now a physical response that the aura and body go through in the realm of activating, charging or recalibration of the energetic field. If you are intoxicated your aura pulse would be slow, if you are at peaceful state and healthy spirit your aura pulse accelerates. The effectiveness of a singing bowl really comes into play with this concept because the aura reacts to the sustainability of sound waves that the bowl is producing. A good quality singing bowl will hold its note for a good 30 seconds, those tones produce a vibratory resonance that helps activate and align the energy field. The increase of speed that the aura is receiving during a sound healing is now vibrating at a frequency which enables the electrons to shift. So what does this mean?

Once the body and spirit are properly aligned using natural techniques for a “raised vibration” you land in a certain window of being able to reach higher consciousness, release attachments, manifest, trust the harmonization of your inner voice and numerous other uplifting exercises that the mind or body can do with spiritual activity for optimum health, but we tend to lose track of these habits in the whirlwind of everyday life. Also keep in mind that the aura is multidimensional. The key to your spiritual health is that your aura can be at a higher, more refined vibration. Does this seem logical? You need the right mental structure, the right belief system and understanding that you are so much more than just a physical body. Open up your valve of perception, it’s almost like there are keys inside you that are there just waiting to be unlocked. Gaining higher consciousness within yourself is step 1, step 2 is now taking this knowledge and now doing the same for the planet. A sound healing provides perfect conditions for one to open up to spiritual energy. We need to understand the connection and between ourselves and earth. We share the same physical and spiritual qualities as earth. Earth’s crust is made up of Iron, Oxygen, Silicon, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, and Aluminum. Along with water, our bodies are composed of about 6% minerals: Calcuim, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium, and Iron. You can see the similarities. Our auras share the qualities as our most important source of energy for life on Earth: The Sun. We have to look at sunlight first and foremost. Energy from the sun is composed of a spectrum of rays. Visible light, ultraviolet and infrared light which gives us a mixture of electromagnetic waves. We have to link the connection between sunlight/white light and the aura because the aura radiates the same spectrum of rays as the sun☀️🌈

Raising our vibration is in our DNA structure, it’s something we were designed to do. The health of the planet relies on our expanded consciousness. Overcome the self interest/self thinking hole that society puts us in and see the entire picture. Everyone and everything on this planet is linked. We have to treat the physical earth with same same love and respect as we do with our Mother, children or spouse. The trees, the ocean, the plants, the rivers, the air, the sun is our family. It’s one thing to talk or read about it and it’s another to work with it or to feel the connection in your DNA. It starts with the idea, then the change comes from advanced visualizations and advanced thought forms driven from your raised FreeQuentSee.

What is Normal?

Being in this field of “alternative medicine” I have to talk a lot, explain myself and describe what I do. In many ways I love taking on that task, I truly enjoy talking with people about this subject matter because hey, it’s what I’m most passionate about so I welcome any chance or opportunity to talk with people about it.

I write blogs, I make Instagram videos, I do 30-minute speeches/presentations, I have lengthy consultations with clients, I answer phone calls or emails answering questions, I have a pretty descriptive website outlining and explaining what energy healing or my approach is about. I do whatever it takes to give people a clear picture and understanding of what I offer or what Earth’s elements can do for us. However, sometimes I laugh to myself and catch myself in the moment in the midst of explaining my views. In many ways I’m an outcast, the guy who is the “alternative” option, the outsider, or the guy who’s into the “new age” and “hippie” stuff. So all this talking and explaining I do almost in a way turns into a feeling or notion of defending myself. A lot of people are skeptical of what I do and that’s the honest truth. Part of me laughs because all I’m demonstrating is what we are supposed to do, what are bodies and spiritual DNA were specifically designed to do.

There are great energy waves around the planet because Earth is alive, nature has its own healing vibrational hum. Our physical bodies and our energetic fields just happen to run perfectly synchronized with Earth’s essence when true balance is achieved. It’s a two-way street, Earth helps us and we in return are supposed to help Earth back. The planet is its own self-regulating organism, meaning it will respond when harmed, but also will respond when maintained with the proper care. Isn’t this normal?

Why am I the outcast for promoting this? Why do people look at me with such skepticism? Why is a sound healing considered a substitute exercise, or the alternative medicine? Why does it feel that I have to convince or win people over by constantly going to bat for what I feel should have been something embedded in us since we were toddlers. I no longer make videos for Instagram due to the amount of people who would unfollow me after every video I posted. What is going on here, it’s like I’m in a parallel universe.

I’m in the same position when it comes to the food I eat since I’m vegan. People always look at me like “oh he’s vegan” he’s one of those people and then the inevitable question always comes “Jesse so what do you eat since you don’t eat meat anymore?” Well let’s see……… I eat ummmm……… food. You know the food that sprouts from the planet’s soil and specifically has the vitamins, nutrients, and proteins made precisely for our bodies and has zero negative effects or risk of heart disease or cancer if over-consumed. Yeah that’s the stuff I eat, sorry for being weird and different. This line of thinking goes along with sound healings too, where I almost feel apologetic, like I want to voice my opinion but not too loudly to where I might disturb or piss someone off.

What I offer as a practitioner at Singing Bowl Healing is unique and different. I don’t do sound baths, I do sound healings. My approach is to use sound as a medicine, it’s very calculated and methodically thought out with rigorous attention. This is why I love talking about what I do, and since it is so different compared to other healing modalities it requires me to be very descriptive about it. Before every event I do I (always) include a presentation of some sort, or workshop so I can explain what will transpire through out the event and the thought process behind every move and intention that takes place.

All I ask for is a bit more of normalcy here, I’m not the bad guy, the “hippie”, the “healer guy” and so forth. Let’s get up to speed here of what is normal as a lifestyle or personal way of living. Laboratory drugs are not normal, they’re quite disturbing and troubling. I say this only because I’ve had people come to me in pain and stress looking for a better way to get to true health and to find answers that they are not getting from their doctors in a medical system that we put our trust into. Something isn’t right when I’m the one who gets looked at with suspicion or doubt in society’s view so maybe we need to start changing what is “normal”.

Universal Elements and No Inter-fear/ence

When it comes to the subject of “healing” there’s plentiful information and ideas about how we can help or heal ourselves and others, but we don’t get as much content on planetary healing. Let’s not forget or overlook how vital this is, it’s of equal importance as any other type of healing. In my opinion, healing of yourself and/or for others goes hand-in-hand with the healing of the environment. You can’t do one without out the other in a sense, well let me put it this way, the energetic system of the Universe was specifically designed for it to happen in unison.

You have 3 elements at work here. We have humans, animals and the planet. All 3 components run perfectly in sync with one another, at least that’s how they were designed and how they were meant to help each other in a harmonious fashion. It’s quite apparent and we know that animals and the planet are in complete harmony. A good visual of those two working together is those shows like Blue Planet or Planet Earth BBC documentaries. I’ve been trying to watch as many of those shows as I can lately because it takes humans out of the equation. It’s strictly focused on only filming animals and nature and how they coincide throughout the up’s and down’s of the seasonal cycle. It’s a reminder and an eye opener to see life in its complete and natural existence without the influence of man.

Did we forget or lose sight of who we are, did we forget what it’s like to be in (our) natural existence? Where are we from, what are we made of, why are we here? You have to go back and reprogram yourself, years of distractions have offset our true character and misleading information has been handed down to us and it’s wrongfully infiltrated our thought patterns. What if you were told at a young age that you are from the stars, that you are a star seed. Not your psychical body, but the engine that powers your body is from the stars. What if this key information was brung to you as a kid and it was explained to you that you also have family from the stars. Imagine your life and what your intelligence would be if this happened. What if you never sat in front of a TV before or if you never saw a Hollywood movie. With out these images that were fed into your subconscious what would your perception on life be? How would you perceive education, religion, food, spirituality, relationships, health or medicine? Go back and reboot yourself and look at life from a (natural existence) viewpoint, bring your psychic antenna up and put your true instinctive radar on so the real source of information, knowledge and awareness will feel oh so familiar. The subconscious in effect acts like a computer, information is downloaded like a memory chip. Reboot your hard drive, if you input good information you will get good results.

So you might be wondering how can you contribute to planetary healing. Establish the awareness that Earth is a living, breathing energy source. Then have the understanding that our bodies are also a living, breathing energy source. Know that animals are the third element to unite us together as one divine spirit. Try to look at life and analyze situations without man made influence or man made psychology. Society tells us we must go to school for 12 years and have a SAT test show us how smart we are, go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house and retire by the age of 65. Separate our so called normal lifestyle and possibly look at how our ancient ancestors of thousands of years ago became so spiritually and technologically advanced. This is a method I’ve been trying a lot lately, what would I do without any of society’s rules and guidelines, no electronic devices, no 9 to 5 job and no illusion of money to chase around. If you eliminate these things our vibration level would be astronomically higher and doing Planetary healing would be instinctive and effortless. You are the pilot, you are in control of the answers you wish to seek. I’m not here to preach a certain ideology, I’m not master at anything nor am I some type of guru. I can only possibly spark some of the memories of our authentic reality. The universe has every single answer you need, put your trust and faith into all earth made/natural remedies and peel back ways of life that are not genuine or feel forced and manufactured.

The Universe is Singing

The Universe is Singing, admire the radiance of our beautiful planet. We are one with nature, we are one with all living things, we are one interconnected organism. We are light beings, we are from the stars, our auric body radiates the same light and energy as the Sun. We interweave with nature and Mother Earth’s rhythmic melodies.

Raising your awareness is the key to enhancing your inner peace by admiring the sight of our cohesiveness with nature. Every single form of life is uniquely connected to another. A mushroom helps turn a decaying log into rich new soil. Dolphins and whales have some of the most evolved minds on the planet. They are our real cousins, our true family. They preserve pattens of light that make up the etheric structure of Mother Earth. They are patiently waiting for us, anticipating a time when we have raised our frequencies to a level of awareness deep enough to communicate with them telepathically. Every species of plant, trees and flowers gleam light and transmit energy. It is no coincidence that trees provide the oxygen we breathe and plants specifically produce the vitamins, minerals and nutrients for our bodies to be healthy.

Water from a cloud on a cold chilly day drops down and freezes onto a dust particle in the sky which creates a ice crystal. As the ice crystal falls to the ground water vapor continues to freeze onto the ice crystal and it just so happens to make a perfect symmetrical 6-sided shape known as a snowflake. Yes that’s how precise nature’s vibrations are even down to the smallest air particle, there’s always a facet of life that is exceptionally magnificent.

I’ve always marveled at the concept of how Earth has a full rotation every 24 hours. Our bodies also have a full rotation every 24 hours, our bodies and the planet run parallel and in sync with each other using this timetable. Our bodies also sing to the same hum of the 365 days yearly sequence. Mother Earth’s rotational cycle of immersing us with four blissful seasons Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. With each seasonal loop, we age and grow older. The sophisticated machines that our bodies are seem to be in harmonic rhythm with nature and Mother Earths pulse. Mother Earth and our bodies appear to have the same time schedule.

Mother Earth has the same etheric energy field as each person does. The light carriers that we are not only have to heal ourselves and each other, but we also have to be planetary healers as well. It’s as if this wonderful canvas was perfectly arranged for us to make this possible. That’s why every single fiber of our bodies is uniquely connected to every single fiber of nature. A true light carrier is not only a healer to others but also a planetary healer. We have the strength to drive Earths energy patterns, when energies fall out of alignment with the planet we can regain balance and bring back its natural vibration for Earth to be vibrant and healthy.

Opening up your awareness will give you a new level of understanding and show you that this was all so perfectly meant to be. We are united with all forms of life through love. Love is conclusive as the strongest modality of intuitive communication among humans, animals and Earth.

Receiving Information

A couple of months ago I came across a YouTube video that popped up on my suggested video recommendations list and it kind of stuck with me after I watched a portion of it before turning it off. It rubbed me the wrong way and I want to try and counter that energy by writing a positive response to the particular subject matter of the video. The video was titled something like “How you are doing Meditation wrong”. It was a popular YouTube channel with quite a big number of subscribers and this video I’m referencing has a great deal of support in the comment section commending the message. The author stated how he spent time in the mountains with wise old Buddhists who have mastered the art of Meditation and he was taught by these elders the true way to Meditate and he’s now here to bring sacred info to his YouTube channel and point out how you are doing Meditation “wrong”. He also mentioned when he talked with these elders there was great concern how these days with this generation that Meditation is losing its true purpose because the act of Meditating is getting thrown around to loosely now.

Okay, first thing that comes to my mind is there is no “wrong” way to Meditate. Are there techniques that might work better for you in some respects, yes. But whatever method you choose that you feel comfortable with know that it is right for you. In my opinion the true brilliance of a well-tuned Meditation is to receive information. Learning to trust what you see and what you feel when you’re spiritual genetic codes awaken within you. Journey on to the road of self discovery, search for your greater purpose and know that you are a loving, experienced, accomplished light-filled spirit. Be able to look inward at yourself and know you are so much more than just a physical body. (Re)-discover yourself, allow the memories of your soul’s history to come forth, allow the light, love and energy to bring you a refreshing sense of understanding of the make up your greater self.

Receiving information comes with the right nourishment, the right environment. Meditation allows the cellular structure of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to unify as one, harmonizing in the same frequency. There is no “wrong” way to get to this ascent. That’s the kicker. There are no rules to Meditation. Once you are aligned and at the right vibrational hum, receiving information comes from all angles. Do you think you have to sit down cross legged, palms out with finger tips touching to receive information!?!!? Be ready to be astonished because once the light within your true essence is turned on Meditation can be active 24 hours. Having the trust and the faith of listening to the natural rhythms of your Consciousness can come to you in the shower, in the car, in a dream, at work, on a hike, having your pet sitting in your lap, a gentle breeze touching your face, talking to a stranger, talking to a friend, reading a book, looking at old photos… However it may be know there is no wrong way for you to Meditate.

The Best Way to Charge Your Chakras

There are a lot of new methods and techniques rising in this day and age of Enlightenment on how to have your energetic body thriving. More and more information and knowledge is coming to us for new spiritual ideas, but even better our understanding of true self-awareness is spreading virally. Our outlook and perspective on health, medicine and spirituality has practically done a 180 just within the last 10 years. Chakras are a popular topic when you discover the recent health surge of natural medicine. Many books, articles, blogs and social media posts touch on various ways to balance these energy centers that glow inside of us and make up our core essence.

Even the work that I do with sound, crystals and energy the base of it comes from using the Chakra blueprint. I’m confident I can give your Energetic body a tune up, a cleansing and a rejuvenation that carries over to your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual feelings. I do believe however, truly the best way to illuminate the Auric field and to charge your Chakras is = Life. Yes life itself is the ultimate healer. We came out of our Mothers womb as a developed entity. Our environment affected our (emotions), it did not mold or shape our personalities.

The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character was and is set before your incarnation. True understanding of knowledge of self and knowledge of life gives you a healing on its own. Life is a gift, our time here is to be treasured. By no means is life a walk in the park for anybody. We grow, we learn, we laugh, we cry and we evolve as better beings through it all. Awareness of yourself as a soul being evolving through the Universe is the best healing one can have. As you get older, you get wiser, you get experienced as life teaches us through the ups and downs. Can you stand tall through it all, look back and be proud of yourself and remind yourself on just how far you’ve come. When you step back and look at your life as a timeline of events, you’ll see through imagery how life’s experiences automatically charge your Chakras.

Your energy field represents the real you as opposed to your physical body. This is why when we link feeling healthy to a natural healing approach, the best way for us to become emotionally and physically at our optimum it starts with recognizing how beautiful life itself truly is. So when the time comes for us to cross over, to go back home and leave our 3rd dimensional bodies the crowning achievement is the process of maturing as a proud, experienced and accomplished spirit.


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