A Brief History of Singing Bowls

Singing bowls have a mysterious past and not much is known about their origins. Their history began at a time long before the dawn of modern civilization, with the result that written information about them is almost close to non-existent. The first singing bowls were said to be made in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago – of pure copper and produced for both medicinal and musical purposes.

Although singing bowls could be found inside monasteries and homes, it was said that monks were not allowed to discuss anything about these bowls. As a matter of fact, the monks’ sacred text, called the Tibetan Buddhist Canon, also contained no information about the bowls. Anecdotal references say that Tibetan lamas and monks used these bowls for secret, sacred rituals. It is even said that these rituals were so spiritual in nature that it gave the monks the ability to astral project and travel into other realms and dimensions.

Let me add my personal 2 cents to this. If the very first singing bowls were made of 100% copper well that’s just insanely powerful. That sounds about spot on to anything we learn about advanced ancient civilizations. Bowls today are made of brass, tin and a couple other earth’s metals including copper, but how much copper – I have no idea? When I asked the singing bowl maker, he told me “copper is very expensive these days” nevertheless there still is a close connection to earth metals and our energetic field, you can feel the resonance of a metal bowl unlike any other instrument. One sound healing technique is placing a singing bowl on someone’s body applying direct contact. When the singing bowl is struck you can feel the vibrations unlike any other instrument in the world. It’s exciting to know that when playing a singing bowl you really are using a ancient healing tool.

Credit to shantibowl.com for the history insight.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Sample

This is a sample of how Tibetan singing bowls sound.

Stocking Up with Crystals

Over the past few weeks, I have purchased a wide variety of crystals and gemstones for the office. This really is the next phase for the sound healings, by integrating gemstones to the experience. I have a few good sized amethyst crystals surrounding the room for protection. They have been absorbing the sounds of the bowls as they’re enjoying their new home. Other gemstones like the clear quartz, obsidian, moonstone, sodalite and many more will be called upon to for their healing capabilities by color and their metaphysical qualities. The gemstones are being placed either inside the bowl or upon areas of the body.

For example, the 4th chakra (heart) relates to the color green which calls for a stone like aventurine. I’m placing the stone either inside the bowl or on the body. Both ways I feel really enhance the healing by mixing the sound and stones together. The heart chakra is a tone G/G#.  I have the corresponding singing bowl for that tone and aventurine stone working as a team in the heart area of the body. Having them as a duo truly is the path for these healings. I will continue to work and practice to hone this exercise for people’s ultimate experience. Again, the theme will always be “natural”.

We need to get back to becoming one with Mother Earth. Eat food from her soil. Healing done through sound, not man-made medicine. Stones and crystals from the earth have endless powers to tune your awareness and revive your body and spirit. This is the true way of life, observing our surroundings and being grateful for all these brilliant tools we have on this planet.

There are a couple gem faires coming to the North Bay in the next month or so and I will be visiting those with much anticipation to gather more crystals and gems!

Getting Started

The Singing Bowl Healing Studio is complete and ready to raise the frequency! I have a lot of people to thank who have wholeheartedly put forth their efforts to get this going from the ground up. I want to thank my parents for all the support they have giving me. To have this project is my dream. Thank you for everything you helped me with to make this idea come to life.

I want to thank Rene Morales for the exceptional logo design and all the rest of the images that look sensational! A true friend for all the help through this process.

Thank you to Elvira Morales for taking the time to design and build the A-Frame street signs and for giving me ideas on room design. The signs are incredible, thank you so much for your time and effort.

Thanks to Zac Wheatcroft for the support, advice, and website design. I know there’s plenty more to come of those wise words.

Thank you to Jodi for having me at Sky Hawk Village. To think that I walked in there after a days work in my construction clothes, with no website, business cards, or any other proof of my business talking about how I’m starting sound healing with singing bowls must have been a bit unusual, lol.

Thank you for allowing me to have this at your shopping center which is the perfect place for me.

Lots of new crystals have been added to the room over the last week. More natural healing has been combined! I will talk more about this in the next blog.


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Suite 205-A
Santa Rosa, CA 95409


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