Subscribe to our blog, and you’ll get the latest news and spiritual musings from Jesse. Curious about singing bowls, crystals, and other healing tools? Want to learn more about them, and other forms of meditation? You’re in the right place!

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Subscribe to our blog, and you’ll get the latest news and spiritual musings from Jesse. Curious about singing bowls, crystals, and other healing tools? Want to learn more about them, and other forms of meditation? You’re in the right place!

Stay connected to learn more about Singing Bowl Healing’s sound healing and meditation events in your area. Click the subscribe button and you’ll always have the latest news.

Sound Healings with No Sound

Last weekend I attended the Sonoma Strong Healing Fair at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds as a practitioner offering free Sound Massages. This event was free for all people but is driven to accommodate victims of the catastrophic fires we had last year in Sonoma County. The building the event was taking place in was huge and it was packed with a wide range of different practitioners who had all kinds of healing modalities. I was taking back by how many healers were there, I mean it was practically a trade show for holistic healings.

My set up in particular was not in the huge room with all the others. I was in a separate room with about 15 other booths. I was doing this event under SongBird Healing Center and not under Singing Bowl Healing. I was helping promote the healing center but still was able to pass out my brochures so it was a win/win for both parties. The room that we had our booth set up in was the same room that they were doing speech’s and presentations over a PA system. Along with that next to our table was the row of tables that all attendees stand in line to get raffle tickets. The place was very crowded with people and it was LOUD.

Excited that so many people were there but was a bit worried doing sound healings in this type of environment. However it was not new to me, I’ve done a yoga festival with a live band 30 yards away from my canopy, I’ve done farmers markets with a wide variety of loud commotions, I’ve done events in rooms with so many people laughing and talking that it made me well seasoned and trained. All these events and situations have one thing in common, you cannot hear the singing bowls.

That’s right, a Sound Healing with no sound. I’m playing the singing bowls exactly how I would in a quiet setting, I’m not changing my technique or approach. I’m playing the bowls, I cannot hear them, the client can only hear a very low faint humming barely noticeable. So why even do a sound healing if you can’t hear the sound? Because it’s still effective, it still works. If you can’t (hear) the sound, you can (feel) the sound. Vibrations are going to do their job regardless, sound waves don’t care that there’s somebody in the same room giving a speech over a live microphone. The harmonic tones are cleansing the particles around you. The sound waves especially resonate with your energy field, the Auric body. That is why people tend to feel rejuvenated and feel a deep sense of peace emotionally because the vibrations tap into your true essence.

You may ask, how do I know if these sound healings are still being effective, what’s the proof? Good question. Well, I get feed back from the client, not that I have them fill out a questionnaire or something but I just listen to what they have to say about how they are feeling and how the experience was if they choose to open up about it. I also look at the client as if I was doing a before and after body scan. I do that with everybody I work on weather it’s a a public event or in my office that’s a important note I take. And I still see the results, you can see the clients body and energy field look brighter, cleansed, lighter, calm yet energized.

There is no question about it, if I had my choice I don’t ever want to do these sound healings in a loud environment, but it just shows and proves to me with the upmost confidence that this type of natural medicine will be a step of normality in the future.

Past Life

Past lives, reincarnation, why are we here? These are some of my favorite topics to think about. It really is fascinating and humbling when you step back from the hustle and hectic lifestyles we live day to day and you recognize the big picture. When you see it, when you feel it in your heart such a sense of understanding comes over you that it is a reminder of what our true essence is.

The subject of past lives is one that I wanted to focus on in this particular blog. To understand past lives, of course who have to understand the concept and the system of (you) living multiple times through out time.

You are a developed personality, a light being filled with energy, wisdom and consciousness. Every single time I hear the past lives topic come up it’s always referenced as a burden, like “oh you are carrying karma from a past life” or “oh you’re having trouble in this life because of something that happened in one of your past lives.” I (never) hear how rewarding your accomplishments are from past lives. We all know life here is no walk in the park, life is beautiful yet challenging. It’s the process, the system designed for us to grow and elevate and to become the single best version of ourselves.

With each incarnation we bring more knowledge, more experience, more accomplishments. Emotional battle wounds that we can now stand tall through it all and be proud of our own journeys to get here no matter how hard it seems to be at times. Don’t ever doubt who you are, don’t ever underestimate or look down to how far you’ve come.

Your past lives are badges of honor, our way of life through each incarnation is not a system of punishment, it’s a system built on the principle of love. It’s for you to grow and get better each day, each week, each year, each decade and each lifetime feel yourself maturing emotionally and spiritually. Life gets better as you get older doesn’t it? It gets easier because you become smarter, your appreciation gets stronger with age, you start to see life in all forms is a gift for us. 

There are ways to get your past life info. You can talk to a psychic, astrologist or a range of healers to get the ball rolling for you. Ultimately it’s then up to you, it comes down to how you meditate. Meditation with a distinct purpose and intention, the answers are right there waiting for you. Sound is a great tool to easily bring your thought waves to a Theta state where imagery becomes sharp and clear when your eyes are closed.

Your past life memories should become as clear as your childhood memories. It’s all in your little data bank, waiting to be accessed. A well executed meditation is like plugging your phone into a charger, you subconscious mind gets charged when you tap in. Think of it that way, so if you sit down and meditate for 30 minutes that’s like plugging your phone into a charger and the subconscious memories now are obtainable when your spirit is charged. Hope this helps, because I truly believe that bringing some of your past life memories to the forefront for you is the greatest spiritual awakening you can have .

Spirit Form

I get asked all the time about how I got into this. Typically that’s the first question somebody asks me when I tell them about sound and energy healing. There was a lot that played its part along the way that’s for sure, but when the dust settled and when I was ready emotionally to dive in full-force and offer this to the world, what drove my motivation was to get people to see and to feel in Spirit Form.

What is Spirit Form you might wonder? Well to me Spirit Form is your core, your soul, your true essence, your experience, your memories, your heart, your vision, it is every fiber of who you truly are and who you were designed to be.

We live our lives out, working day-to-day going through the motions, dealing with everything that life puts in front of us and most of the time we lose track. We shed that innocent nature that we all had as young kids admiring the world with no judgmental thoughts or actions. We drown ourselves with unnecessary electronic devices, we chase money a lot of times for the wrong reasons, we end up in toxic relationships and whether we laugh, smile or cry along the way, unfortunately most of the time we miss out on understanding how precious our time is here.

When I work with people my goal is to get them to open up their heart in the way that it was intended, to awaken the subconscious mind. To remind them who they truly are and how beautiful life is. How do I get you to see this now is the question. Well I need the singing bowls first and foremost. What I do with sound and vibrations is work over your whole body letting the soothing sounds capture you, I charge all chakras, I have you do a couple of visualizations to activate your psychic antenna. All of this within the first 30 minutes or so and it’s at this point where all tension, stress, worries and pain are released and you are now ready to see and to feel in Spirit Form.

From here a lot of times I do specific walk thru meditations, all you have to do is listen to my voice and I will guide your mind and spirit to a level of love that we have on the other side, that complete guilt-free, faultless and honest nature we had as young kids. Your heart now opens up with a new strength and you now bring this fresh loving strength not only to yourself but to the others in your life. Spirit Form reminds you of who, what, where and why we are here. It gives us the understanding, knowledge and wisdom of self, and once we carry that with us on our tough journeys here, we develop a new level of admiration that will bring success, happiness and peace.

Crystals and Meditation

Crystals and meditation both have very powerful and unique healing characteristics, so to combine the two together magnifies what they can offer to you. It is my finding that they truly are meant to be teamed up with one another and can serve as a great natural healer for you mentally, spiritually, and physically. To truly activate a crystal’s healing properties, meditating with it is the most effective method to bring its capabilities to the forefront.

Build a relationship with your crystals, keep them around you. Wear them, place them nearby when you sleep, hold them, bring them to your office at work, let them ride with you in the car, give them a sea salt bath to show appreciation, put them outside to pick up mother nature’s elements, put them in the sun or under a full moon. They need to pick up your energy, vibrations, chakras, and aura.

When setting yourself up for a meditation, close your eyes and relax in a quiet peaceful space. Hold your crystal in your hand and squeeze to apply pressure to it. This allows the crystal to get turned on just like flipping on a light switch and gets the crystal into gear with it illuminated. As you get deeper into your meditation and your five senses get turned down low, this allows the crystal to act as an antenna to receive your thought waves with no interference. There is an exchange of information that can happen between your soul and the crystal.

Thought waves are energy and become extremely strong during a properly executed meditation. Waves of energy from the brain trigger the crystal into activity which in return stimulates the sleeping psychic centers to awaken and function. They say crystals can store information, knowledge and wisdom but let’s not forget or dare overlook that (you) also are loaded with an abundance of experience. A crystal will guide you, remind you and show you those memories of your traveled path.

There is nothing more satisfying than to access your memories from past lives or from back home. Intertwining crystals and meditation together is the best way for us get in sync with our true core of who we truly are. What a gift that Mother Earth has given us with these crystals that sprout from her soil intended specially to enlighten our soul so peacefully and naturally.

Crossing Over

One week ago today my Grandma who was 92 years old crossed over. She was the last grandparent that I had and now she is back home in the spirit world. She passed just like she would have preferred, in her own home, in her own bedroom. Her home was her pride and joy, it was everything to her, so it was perfectly right for her to cross over in the space that she was so happy in. My Grandma was the backbone of the family, it was her house that we would spend most holidays at and it was her who always put together those holiday family meals with her Italian touch. That wonderful Italian cooking never got old, the pasta, lasagna, spaghetti and clams or sausage ‘n’ bell peppers.

About a week before she passed my Mom suggested that I should play some singing bowls for my Grandma, to possibly put her at ease and take away some pain temporarily, because my Mom sensed that Grandma didn’t have much longer to live. She was holding back in the last month, fighting to live because of her fear of dying. Her body was old and broken down, it had 92 years of mileage and by this time she had aches, cramps, irritation, and strain. I thought to myself, yes of course, what a great idea this is something I have to do and it will be my chance to show her my love and gratitude in the best way I can.

I came over to her house with 7 of my bowls, she had no idea what they were, what they sounded like, or what they are used for. She laid in her bed, I told her to close her eyes and relax. My intentions were focused, to get her in a calming state of relaxation and bliss. The bowls love it when they are played with a purpose, it’s as if they are angels just waiting for your direction – and only know one frequency and that is to help and heal. I played the bowls for about 25-30 minutes using some of my techniques that I feel are effective.

I looked at her as I played and could tell she was definitely at ease but at the same time a look on her face as if she’s thinking “what the heck is going on”, as she went back and forth between closing and opening her eyes every few minutes or so. When I stopped playing the bowls I asked her “so how did that feel”?

She looked happy, free of discomfort or pain but yet a somewhat baffled look on her face. We hugged, she thanked me and not a few minutes later she fell asleep in her bed. This is my last memory of her, this was our last time together and I think for both of us it was an amazing moment to share together especially since it would be our last. After I left that evening, my Mom asked her what she thought and how she felt. My Grandma was a bit taken back about how the sounds of the bowls can work such wonders, she described something that will always stick with me, she said she felt her pain “float away”.

For me this a bit of a breakthrough, the majority of my experience so far has been to heal the emotional pain one might carry, but I’ve yet to really open the door on the possibilities of when the body is in physical type pain. In my work, I believe if you heal and tune the soul first and foremost, the body will follow suit and release any sort pain or sickness. I can and will prove this to the world, I just need time.

The clients I’ve had so far haven’t necessarily been in physical pain at the time. I focus on past, present, and future – your life timeline, the chakras, meditation, the other-side and much more to illuminate your soul naturally. It’s an approach that I’m crafting and always looking to refine and make better as I go along, but to take on a person who is in direct discomfort or injured, as I do a session is an an area that I would gladly take on.

This is why what my Grandma experienced will always be sort of a seed for me, a foundation for me to look back on as a starting point and a story I will tell for years to come. Whether it’s pain, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, or anything else I know the possibilities are infinite when using sound as a natural remedy. We did this before, in ancient times and we can do it again in the present to make any ailment or illness “float away”.


Branching Out

This past weekend I attended the Sebastopol Health & Wellness fair in conjunction with their weekly Farmer’s Market, held in the downtown square area. These tandem events happen only once or twice a year so it was exciting for me to showcase sound healing for people who were interested. I brought seven of my singing bowls and a handful of eye-catching crystals. My demo sessions were at no charge – it’s more important for me to spread the word and promote what I do so I wanted to get as many people as possible in my booth and get them to walk away with a memorable experience. I enjoy giving people an exchange of energy rather than money in situations like this.


The next event I’m going to with a booth setup is the Sonoma County Yoga Festival at Somo Village in Rohnert Park, on July 8th and 9th. I will be there to represent Songbird Healing Center and Singing Bowl Healing. Songbird will have a couple of other healers joining me in the booth so this should be a great exhibition for us. Put this yoga event on your calendars and come check it out if you have time that weekend. It looks like it’s going to be a great festival for Sonoma County and the local community.

I also wanted to put out there that if your business, facility, spa/resort, festival, etc. has any events coming up and you would like me to do a showcase or demo of some type, email me or give me a call.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Sample

This is a sample of how Tibetan singing bowls sound.

Hands of Gold

“Hands of Gold” is hosted by Songbird Community Healing Center in downtown Cotati on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. I’m now a practitioner for Songbird and will be involved with these events along with other events throughout the year. If you can’t make a session at my office in Santa Rosa this is a great alternative to get a feel of how sound healing works.

There are also a nice variety of other healers there too. For a very small donation you can come in and get healings, advice, or readings done by outstanding practitioners who are eager to help you out in any way possible. The “Hands of Gold” sessions start at 7:30 PM and you can check out their website for more info on this and other events that are going on there daily. It’s fun, relaxing and a pleasant way to spend an evening.

Visit Songbird Community Healing Center online.

The True Nature of Healing

I recently came across an article in my research travels on the internet that really struck home to me and gave me an abundance of reassurance of what I’m trying to do here with these methods of healing and ways of thinking. A long time ago in ancient Egypt and even before that in Atlantis, it seems we had such a better understanding of the soul, the body, the mind, and what true spirituality means. In this day and age we are deceived by man-made medicine, material belongings, false diets and so forth. It’s about healing the soul, healing the inner and the outer will illuminate it like a star.

I outline to anybody I work with at Singing Bowl Healing, it’s all about the right food, exercise, hobbies, sound, meditation, water, animals, children, giving, crystals, this is the real medicine with no daunting side effects. Let’s get a steady flow of these gifts involved in your daily life.

Even if you have a job you hate to go to everyday, getting the real natural medicine in your body and part of your routine, you will be living with your head up and energized in ways that will give you such a sense of ease and peace of mind, because your inner and outer are paired up like a team and working in sync like a well-tuned machine. So that job you hate to go to will eventually dissolve and the universe will work for you giving you treasures in ways you’ve always hoped for because you are living right. This article is courtesy of, take a couple minutes to read it, enjoy.

The Egyptians understood the need of a proper diet in order to keep the body healthy. Only the most natural and healthiest of foods would be consumed, along with exercises for our whole being (like Qi Gong or Yoga). Muata Ashby calls this the food for the body, but like any dieter knows, just changing foods will do little for their overall condition. The Egyptians also understood of the need of food for the mind (proper thoughts and reading) and food for the soul (stilling the mind completely). From these three avenues only could true health arise.

The second nature of healing was never written down as the physical cures were. They understood that providing herbs, healing cuts, or mending broken bones was only the outer cure. There was a deeper reason these things were occurring. Just as today an outer illness is only a sign of an inner problem, the true healers of Egypt were able to see beyond the physical to address the spiritual cause. The Egyptians saw everything as related to the whole.

Thus a part of the body that is sick is somehow related to the whole, not just that individual part. Some of this work including the saying of special magical words, that are thought of by Egyptologists as spells. They were less a magic spell, than a way of using the power of sound to create the proper vibration in the body to provide a shift of energy and begin healing. The songs of native shamans have a similar effect. They are not random words, but special words of healing power that heal simply because of the sounds spoken.

This type of healing was often referred to in the papyrus as destroying the demon that inhabited the body. Today such a notion seems the work of superstition and ignorance. However when one works with enlightened healing masters who still heal the ancient way, one understands the concept. The demons are not something that is created outside us; we create them. Can’t get a job, find a loving wife, always drinking, have a disease… It is because of a demon inside us. A demon that we created from our conscious mind. Thus to just change or heal an outer cause does nothing to halt our inner demon, and this is the nature of soul healing. Each of the inner demons we rid, the more we can use energy to reach our heart (true self).

Thus the true healer found what a person’s demon was, how it formed, then provide treatment to ease the physical symptoms. The physical healing helped to make the person stronger and full of energy. They would need this energy for the healer was also providing unseen healing that was helping to lessen the power of the demon, and at the same time pulling it out for the person to fight. They were like a boxing promoter, and gave us the gloves and the ring to defeat whatever inside ourselves was making us sick. This allowed the cause of our problems to be faced by us, and defeated by us.

Thus true healing require cures for the physical and cures for the spiritual. The cure was for the whole person, not just a part of their being. Fully and properly healed, the person would now be free to use the energy that was previously used to manifest problems, to now manifest one’s dreams. Ancient texts, including the Hebrew Bible, tell of their characters living for hundreds of years. It is quite possible that using proper healing methods and providing proper ways of living for people, that living to 400 years old in the past was not an unheard of thing.

Happy New Year!

2017 is here and I want to wish everybody a very Happy New Year! Let this year be the best year of your life. The past is nothing but a memory now and by putting ourselves in a good space physically and emotionally, getting older with each year that passes becomes such a gift and treasure to take in. I love getting older, life gets so much better as we gain wisdom and the appreciation for living and our surroundings becomes more valuable to our hearts.

I’ve been suggesting to people to write down your goals and what you want to accomplish this year on paper. Put the thoughts out there and release them so they don’t just stay bottled up in you. Keep that paper nearby and maybe read it every month and as a reminder to get everything you wish for in 2017. To me this simple exercise makes a big difference.

As far as what’s to come for Singing Bowl Healing this year, one thing that I want to do is have an open house for a weekend around March. This will allow people to come in and see the studio and get a taste of what all this great energy work is about. I will have food and drinks to serve and will be glad to answer all questions to explain and demonstrate what I do here at Singing Bowl Healing. I’m also in the process of getting T-shirts made, we are working on the design right now and will hopefully have the first batch ready in a month or so. I would also like to hook up with a farmer’s market so I can set a booth up for promotion this year and meet people face-to-face to tell them about sound healing.

I definitely need to advertise more this year, but it has to be the right advertising to serve me and I think meeting people one-on-one is so much more beneficial than just placing an ad in a magazine. The studio space is still getting better as I add more flavor of decorations and it’s gradually getting to where I want it. I want people to have the wow factor when they step in and I think it’s about 80% there. The plan is to have it at 100% by March. Other than that I’m going to continue to keep pushing forward with the energy work here to get you feeling in the best shape of your life. Thank you for visiting the website and reading this. Any questions? Feel free to call or email.


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