They are Watching, They are Helping
Spirit guides are the unsung heroes of the Universe. They have got to be the most overlooked and under appreciated beings that get pretty much zero credit for the work that they do. There is no physical proof of Spirit Guides, however I know deep down you know they are here. You know you have help of a higher power, you can feel it I know you do. They are listening to you, watching you and simply around to help you. By all means we need assistance down here. The 3rd dimension is tough grounds which requires literally a team for every single individual incarnated here.
It takes a lot to pull an incarnation off. The amount of strategic planning that goes into this before even coming here and the supporting cast of higher spirits that are helping us. I’ve heard from channeled readings that each of us has in the range of 2 to 10 spirit guides. If we need that much assistance, I’m going to go ahead and assume we are in muddy waters here in the 3rd dimension.
The amount of planning ahead of time that we all pre-planned or pre-destined comes with sitting down with spiritual counselors and mapping out our whole lives here. Of course that’s to a certain degree. This is the dimension of free will so there are variables and movements within our plans. Not every single move we make over the course of 80 years can be perfectly scripted, that’s impossible with how many variables there are. We choose our parents and roughly the location to which we are born.
It’s thick, dense and muddy here. I mean for a light being it is. Each of us are radiating beings of light, but it’s so dark and polarizing on Earth that we only have the stamina to stay awake for about 16 hours. That sure is drawing a lot of juice from our batteries. There’s a magnetic pull that your Aura is subject to. Situations, health and other people dictate how much current is being drawn. Just like when you watch a video on your phone it eats up more battery life as opposed to just scrolling on a website. A real life comparison to that would be if you are at a social gathering in a room full of 30 people, that’s like watching a video on your phone – more amperage, more data is being used. Deep calmness or meditative state is a slow steady current barely using battery life.
The good news is that it’s a level playing field here. Everyone and I mean everyone is equal dealing with same parameters of the 3rd dimension. Society makes you think one who has more material wealth than the other person makes them better. How so? You really think because someone who makes 400k a year with a house in the hills is better than a Walmart employee making minimum wage? Explain it to the Spirit Guides I’m sure they will get a kick out of it.
I recently saw a video from a famous YouTube creator who did a test on homeless and wealthy people. What he did was dress up and act as if he’s homeless and broke. He was in the street asking people for spare change. So he would be at a gas station and walk up to a person fueling their luxury car and ask them for money. These folks got enraged, told him “go get a job loser, get of here or else”. He then did the same approach to homeless people on the street whom themselves were on the corner begging for change. What was the difference? How did another homeless person act when someone asks them for money? I kid you not, whatever amount of change they had in the cup, these homeless people were willing to hand out and give. No yelling, no enragement, no name calling. They seemed so happy and at ease, greeting with a smile. One lady responded “take whatever you want to try and get you something to eat, I know God is with me that’s all I need” So in the end the YouTube creator rewarded the homeless people with $1000 in cash. It was test to see how people respond in these interactions with the homeless. This is a great example of what being “wealthy” is. Your spirit guides are watching tallying up your value based on kindness not paper money.