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Subscribe to our blog, and you’ll get the latest news and spiritual musings from Jesse. Curious about singing bowls, crystals, and other healing tools? Want to learn more about them, and other forms of meditation? You’re in the right place!

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They are Watching, They are Helping

Spirit guides are the unsung heroes of the Universe. They have got to be the most overlooked and under appreciated beings that get pretty much zero credit for the work that they do. There is no physical proof of Spirit Guides, however I know deep down you know they are here. You know you have help of a higher power, you can feel it I know you do. They are listening to you, watching you and simply around to help you. By all means we need assistance down here. The 3rd dimension is tough grounds which requires literally a team for every single individual incarnated here.

It takes a lot to pull an incarnation off. The amount of strategic planning that goes into this before even coming here and the supporting cast of higher spirits that are helping us. I’ve heard from channeled readings that each of us has in the range of 2 to 10 spirit guides. If we need that much assistance, I’m going to go ahead and assume we are in muddy waters here in the 3rd dimension.

The amount of planning ahead of time that we all pre-planned or pre-destined comes with sitting down with spiritual counselors and mapping out our whole lives here. Of course that’s to a certain degree. This is the dimension of free will so there are variables and movements within our plans. Not every single move we make over the course of 80 years can be perfectly scripted, that’s impossible with how many variables there are. We choose our parents and roughly the location to which we are born.

It’s thick, dense and muddy here. I mean for a light being it is. Each of us are radiating beings of light, but it’s so dark and polarizing on Earth that we only have the stamina to stay awake for about 16 hours. That sure is drawing a lot of juice from our batteries. There’s a magnetic pull that your Aura is subject to. Situations, health and other people dictate how much current is being drawn. Just like when you watch a video on your phone it eats up more battery life as opposed to just scrolling on a website. A real life comparison to that would be if you are at a social gathering in a room full of 30 people, that’s like watching a video on your phone – more amperage, more data is being used. Deep calmness or meditative state is a slow steady current barely using battery life.

The good news is that it’s a level playing field here. Everyone and I mean everyone is equal dealing with same parameters of the 3rd dimension. Society makes you think one who has more material wealth than the other person makes them better. How so? You really think because someone who makes 400k a year with a house in the hills is better than a Walmart employee making minimum wage? Explain it to the Spirit Guides I’m sure they will get a kick out of it.

I recently saw a video from a famous YouTube creator who did a test on homeless and wealthy people. What he did was dress up and act as if he’s homeless and broke. He was in the street asking people for spare change. So he would be at a gas station and walk up to a person fueling their luxury car and ask them for money. These folks got enraged, told him “go get a job loser, get of here or else”. He then did the same approach to homeless people on the street whom themselves were on the corner begging for change. What was the difference? How did another homeless person act when someone asks them for money? I kid you not, whatever amount of change they had in the cup, these homeless people were willing to hand out and give. No yelling, no enragement, no name calling. They seemed so happy and at ease, greeting with a smile. One lady responded “take whatever you want to try and get you something to eat, I know God is with me that’s all I need” So in the end the YouTube creator rewarded the homeless people with $1000 in cash. It was test to see how people respond in these interactions with the homeless. This is a great example of what being “wealthy” is. Your spirit guides are watching tallying up your value based on kindness not paper money.

The Power of Shapes

This is really interesting. The image on the right is something I drew up last month and the image on the left is a crop circle. It was supposed to be for my own personal use, just to put the visuals in my head on paper.

So what is the drawing? It’s many things! It’s the collection of several famous geometric shapes all perfectly synced into one another. Shapes like the Yin & Yang symbol, The Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, the Infinity symbol and a few more. So if someone asks me “do you work with people’s Chakras?” I would say yes, but there’s so much more to it than that. The Aura, the soul, the spirit is multi-dimensional and understanding the depths of these shapes can really give us more knowledge of ourselves and our direct connection to the universe.

So the drawing represents 2 things for me personally. It’s the blueprint that I use when performing vibrational medicine, but it’s also the footprint for the crystal grid inside the studio space. The studio has 4 main pivotal crystal points and those are seen in the drawing by the four blue-colored dots around the outside border.

The photo of the crop circle is an image I stumbled upon randomly while studying shapes of crop circles. The images are almost identical. I honestly had no knowledge of the crop circle image. Never have seen that before, so it’s fascinating that my blueprint drawing that I developed happens to have remnants of this particular crop circle. Like I stated in the previous blog about “What is Gaia?” it comes down to three main components: Shapes, colors and sound. Exploring these topics in the future will give us answers to our past.

A Brief History of Singing Bowls

Singing bowls have a mysterious past and not much is known about their origins. Their history began at a time long before the dawn of modern civilization, with the result that written information about them is almost close to non-existent. The first singing bowls were said to be made in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago – of pure copper and produced for both medicinal and musical purposes.

Although singing bowls could be found inside monasteries and homes, it was said that monks were not allowed to discuss anything about these bowls. As a matter of fact, the monks’ sacred text, called the Tibetan Buddhist Canon, also contained no information about the bowls. Anecdotal references say that Tibetan lamas and monks used these bowls for secret, sacred rituals. It is even said that these rituals were so spiritual in nature that it gave the monks the ability to astral project and travel into other realms and dimensions.

Let me add my personal 2 cents to this. If the very first singing bowls were made of 100% copper well that’s just insanely powerful. That sounds about spot on to anything we learn about advanced ancient civilizations. Bowls today are made of brass, tin and a couple other earth’s metals including copper, but how much copper – I have no idea? When I asked the singing bowl maker, he told me “copper is very expensive these days” nevertheless there still is a close connection to earth metals and our energetic field, you can feel the resonance of a metal bowl unlike any other instrument. One sound healing technique is placing a singing bowl on someone’s body applying direct contact. When the singing bowl is struck you can feel the vibrations unlike any other instrument in the world. It’s exciting to know that when playing a singing bowl you really are using a ancient healing tool.

Credit to for the history insight.

Time is Moving Faster

A subject that’s fascinating to me is “time” and it’s something I’ve been closely monitoring lately. Specifically the concept that time is possibly moving faster, but how is that even possible? We are consumed by time with clocks, watches, and scheduling. At school or at work everything we do daily is precisely driven by time. 

They have even said in recent years that our attention spans are now shorter. I agree with that because we are eerily tightly woven with electronics and technology. Smartphones and computers have created a more fast-paced world for us. So even though you are sitting in a chair staring at a screen not moving, the content and information you are consuming through the screen is coming at you fast. Just about every other move we make these days is influenced digitally. Swipe, click, read. When you put into action these three movements your brain is moving at a rapid pace which in turn has tweaked our attention span. 

Can you believe they actually changed the historic game of baseball and bent the rules to force the pitcher to throw the ball within 15 seconds? There’s now a pitch clock! The game has to move faster in this era to accommodate our attention. Baseball rules are like the Constitution – forever ingrained into America and don’t just change. So for them to add a pitch clock to move the game faster is an incredible sign of the times. In NBA Games when a player shoots free throws the TV broadcast squeezes in advertisements in between the players shots. Just like a baseball pitcher, there’s apparently too much time of dead space I guess? Which again shows you stillness is hard to come by these days with waves of information overwhelming us. Even songs are now shorter. In years past typically the standard is for a song to be 4 minutes in length. Now songs are 2 to 3 minutes. Again, another example of how “time” is moving shorter and faster. 

When I was a young kid in the 80’s I can remember my grandpa’s house vividly. I would go hang out there in the summer days while he watched me. His house was so quiet. He had a TV, but it was never on. The only noise that would fill up the house was a real tall grandfather clock with the pendulum swinging back and forth and hourly bells ringing. For entertainment we would play board games like checkers, Connect 4, or card games like goldfish. The pace of life at that time was slow and quiet with no distractions. The mind was working naturally, our thoughts were pure without being consumed by being engulfed with electronic devices. When I sat at the dining room table for lunch waiting for him to make my favorite tuna fish sandwich, there would be phases of silence and this was perfectly comfortable. No TV, no phones, no computers. There was however the newspaper, magazines or books in his house. Specifically Britannica Encyclopedias! These days we can Google anything in the world within 10 seconds and seek the answers. With Encyclopedias it was a slow process compared to our current way of life. But it was healthy because we were exercising our whole thought process more naturally. Just the simple act of flipping the pages of a newspaper compared to swiping on a phone seems so comforting to brain activity because of the slower pace. 

When we factor “time” into all this I think we can all agree that it sure feels like it’s currently moving faster. What I mean is the clock hands are not rotating more rapidly, but our perception of time is moving exponentially faster due to the lifestyle of the technology age. Let me add another layer to this. We have over 7 billion people populating the planet, so that means there are billions of people’s lives all plugged into technology. WE ARE ALL MOVING FAST. We are literally part human, part artificial intelligence at this point. As a human race, as a collective consciousness we are all strung together. We have one foot on earth and one foot in the digital world and this I believe is the cause of our perception of time feeling faster.

What is Gaia?

“Gaia” small word with a big meaning. Quite possibly the most important subject for us as humans to understand. In short, Gaia is Mother Nature. What if I told you Gaia is a spirit and a consciousness that can give and receive information based on human actions. We are interacting with a living planet. When you want to communicate with Gaia or when she communicates with us, you can always rely on the language of these 3 things: Shapes, color and sound. Let me take a small excerpt from Quan Yin and how she describes it: “Gaia, an entity of great light offered to embody the physical manifestation called Earth with her essence. She became the living guardian and host of everything on, and in it, embracing the role of Earth Mother”

As soon as you step outdoors, everything is alive. Some of it we can see with the naked eye and some of it we can’t. In the movie Avatar part 1 they really bring to life the outdoor landscape visually with fluorescent colors to the plants and trees. For a movie, this might make it easier to the appeasing eye. In the scene where Jake and Neytiri meet in the forest and the white light bugs land on Jake he asks Neytiri “what are these?” Her response is “those are seeds from the sacred tree, they are very pure spirits.” Here on Earth, Gaia is the same exact thing. Gaia is a very pure spirit. Take away the movie effects and CGI editing you’ll see Gaia is just as colorful if not more. Her movements are in alignment and responsive to humans actions. It is up to us in what we see and what we interpret in our connection to nature.

Let me give you another visual example. Have you ever seen the shows Blue Planet or Planet Earth on BBC narrated by David Attenborough? I think these shows are important because they allow you to see the planet functioning (without) human involvement. The breathtaking footage is based solely on animals and nature. The wonderful camera visuals they capture covers animals adapting to their specific climates, but also how animals and nature are one synchronized unit. Water, land and air animals all are precisely intertwined directly with Gaia’s heartbeat. How does climate affect animals and how do animals affect the climate? I believe this show is the single best thing you could watch that demonstrates the many layers of Gaia.

When you look at birds, they inherently know how to travel through the globe. They instinctively have knowledge of Earth’s ley lines/meridian’s and use them to find direction as if they have a all knowing internal compass. Last year I was working on a job site out in the country and I noticed different flocks of birds flying directly over the property in a unified shape as if it were a runway for them. When I looked up at the birds in awe day after day, it just felt like this is too exact to be a coincidence.

What is Gaia? It’s spiders designing webs that have mathematical proportions. How do spiders instinctively know how to make shapes? A moment I will never forget happened a few years ago when I was in my yard. I looked over and saw a beautiful spider web about 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide hanging in between two plants. It stopped me dead in my tracks because as I stared at it I noticed it was practically a hexagon with a circle directly in the middle. I mean this web had geometrical knowledge to it in the way it was constructed! Now that is what I call Gaia!

Now you could say “Jesse, so what you’re essentially saying is Gaia is basically Earth’s ecosystem? My response would be: Yes, but I’m bringing forth some unique examples that have expanded my own personal interpretation of Earth. Plants, animals, weather and landscape all work together globally as one to form life, but what we never talk about is humanity’s role in the ecosystem of Gaia. Just like when the sacred white light bugs landed on Jake, the forest was responding to him because he was pure spirit.

So what happens when humans create an imbalance with Gaia? How would she respond? In this era are we are living in now, this is the most polluted the planet has ever been. Humans are Gaia’s most harmful threat. Not because it’s over populated, rather it’s being misused. Cutting down trees, clearing thousands of acres of land to make room for cities, industry, farming and housing has an effect. Gaia moderates the health of the ecosystem and we can see it through her weather patterns or through the health of animal life. We know that polluting the planet affects climate change, what we might not fully grasp is how Mother Nature reacts to being injured or how connected the spirit of the Earth and humans truly are

Here’s a quote from David Attenborough to conclude this article:

“Our planet, the Earth, is, as far as we know, unique in the universe. It contains life. Even in its most barren stretches, there are animals. Around the equator, where those two essentials for life, sunshine and moisture, are most abundant, great forests grow. And here plants and animals proliferate in such numbers that we still have not even named all the different species. Here, animals and plants, insects and birds, mammals and man live together in intimate and complex communities, each dependent on one another. Two-thirds of the surface of this unique planet are covered by water, and it was here indeed that life began. From the oceans, it has spread even to the summits of the highest mountains as animals and plants have responded to the changing face of the Earth.”

*photo taken in my local park while I was going for walk

Meditation for Kids

This Meditation is kids friendly. I envision it being narrated by a parent to their kids or a teacher to the students. Narrate at a easy slow pace.

Laying down or sitting in a chair, It’s all up to you and what makes everyone comfortable. (It’s most important that wherever you choose to meditate that it’s generally quiet.)

This guided meditation is intended to illuminate love emotions from the heart with comforting words that young kids can relate to and learn the beginning steps of visualization. Also to give them the ground work of becoming familiar interacting with their inner voice.

• Close your eyes and sit still for 60 seconds.
• After 60 seconds take a nice, slow, gentle deep breath 😌
• Picture being outside in the Sun 🌞☀️
• Think about your parents being right there with you outside in the sunlight ❤️
• Feel the warmth of the Sun hitting your body.
• Picture your (pet or pets) 🐈 🦮 together with you and your parents.
• What do you like to do outside when you are enjoying a nice sunny day? Think about your best friends and playing your favorite games with them. Laughing, smiling and having fun with each other.
• With your inner voice, say it to yourself so nobody hears it but you: “Mommy I love you/Daddy I love you”.
• What are some of your favorite animals? A tiger 🐅 a elephant 🐘 a dolphin 🐬 a eagle 🦅 a butterfly 🦋? Use your imagination and picture your most favorite animals.
“Now feel your heartbeat” (pause for 10-15 seconds) after saying this to the child/children.
• Your heartbeat vibrates at a steady pace synchronized with your breathing ☯️
• Now picture a rainbow 🌈 of light and colors shining bright and centered at your heart 💚
• Pick your favorite color from the rainbow 🌈
• Which color do you see?
• Sunlight gives us energy, strength and health. It gives life to all the people around the whole entire world 🌎 and to all of Mother Nature.
• The trees 🌳 the plants 🌱the birds 🐦 the animals🐒 the mountains  the ocean 🌊 all share loving energy together from colors that shine from the Sun 🌞
• Mother Earth, animals and all humans are united together through love and positive light.
• Pause for 15-20 seconds here and 1 more gentle deep breath to conclude.

Ask the kids what animal did they see? Which color did they see? Let them express their words as they just might share a lot more.

Purpose & Destination

After a meditation is over, sometimes do you think, “My mind was racing, I couldn’t quiet my thoughts”?

Being that I’m in this particular practice, I hear that come up once in a while with people. It could be that certain situations are weighing on you whether it’s work related or personal. When I hear someone say, “My mind was racing, all I could think about was work” – the person tends to express it as if it was let down.

Maybe the person’s expectations were to have a full-blown psychic past life multi-dimensional visualization reading, but I’m here to assure you that if you do think about work or family during a meditation then that is actually a good thing. During the time period of a deep calmness, there is no wrong way to think. The mind is not “racing” it’s working, it’s active. You are activating your core self which is the purest of angelic light. You have to trust in what your body is producing during a deep calmness. Let me give you an example: A lady that attended a session at the studio explained to me after the session was over that her mother is severely ill and that she’s in the hospital all the way across the country. This was of course a big concern for the client. I wanted to outline a couple things to her.

You inherently and naturally produce positive results, it’s in our genetics. Meaning even though she was feeling the worry of her mothers illness, when grounded into a fluent calmness her thought projection instinctively awakened the heart emotion. So she visited her mother’s hospital room telepathically. It’s like wishing someone well when they are sick. You could be hundreds of miles apart, but you are thought projecting about them praying for a healthy outcome. The only difference is during a meditation session you are hoping and praying with an distinctive purpose. So you might say, “Ah I couldn’t quiet my mind, my mom’s illness is really concerning me and I couldn’t stop thinking about her during the session.”

And I say, “Job well done, you did GREAT. I’m willing to bet your mother felt your loving presence in her hospital room.”

This is why I feel that thinking during a deep calmness about something that’s weighing on you is absolutely a good thing! By all means it’s not a let-down in fact it’s actually very effective on many levels.

Now with a “destination” – you can emotionally or visually go to a hospital room as I outlined earlier. You can easily telepathically travel to anywhere where you like. A portion of the guided meditation I do at the studio during a session is I’ll tell someone to, “Go to a outdoor environment that holds special memories.”

In some cases the person will travel back in time to a childhood memory where a meaningful landscape location holds a connection within them. That’s an example of going to a destination, which is extremely effective because now you are traveling back in time, seeing and feeling with your higher soul self. Your view, your vision, your consciousness is illuminated during this window of concentration which leads to a healthy response inside you. I believe this footprint of approach will hold its place in mental/emotional health in future years to come. The body heals itself, the medicine is already inside of us.


***This is a special blog with the help and assistance of Juliano from Arcturus. This was a specific question and subject I asked him during a monthly channeling he does. I will highlight his input! Enjoy!

Dreams are often an overlooked subject in today’s society, but vitally important and even mandatory in our everyday lives. We spend a very large portion of our time here sleeping and dreaming. 24 hours in a day, generally awake for 16 and asleep for 8. So why do we dream, what exactly is a dream and where do we go during the hours of a dream state? Let’s dive into it.

Why do we dream? When we fall asleep the physical body shuts off and goes into a stage of repairing and recharging itself. I would call it a “trickle charge” because that term refers to a slow, steady, constant charging current. The light source body then enters into the dream world in order to keep an open communication frequency with home base. For a descriptive visual, I would compare it to snorkeling. What I mean is when you dive too deep into water you have to come up for air. Dreaming is the same thing, we have to “come up for air” on a daily basis because of the density of the 3rd dimension and dreaming keeps us connected to the spirit world when we leave our bodies and go up to higher realms while sleeping.

The 3rd dimension is heavy, muddy, slow in motion and time (for a light being). This brings us back to the 24-hour time table. The density, the polarization, the duality and the parameters we experience here on Earth accumulate upon us like a swarm. It makes us tired and we literally can’t go more than 16 hours here without diving into the dream state to stay connected to our home source. It clears our psyche and while doing so this also allows the physical body crucial time to heal itself. A beautiful fusion between biology and the spirit.

What is a dream? Have you ever tried to run while in a dream? I’m sure you have. Kind of difficult huh? You want to run but really you just end up floating right? Well when you leave the human vessel and are in the outer limits of the 3rd dimension there is no need to run. Have you tried talking during a dream? You sure have. Notice it’s not necessarily talking with a vocal chord, but it is however talking and communicating telepathically. Let me try to explain that a touch more for clarity. You communicate with your inner voice. Inner voices are heard and telepathy is the universal form of communication in higher realms.

Now having said that, we all have to agree that dreams are weird. They are a mystery. They seem to be informative, but in a lot of cases we don’t know what to make of them. I’m in no position to even attempt to explain what the information we see in dreams is about. That’s for each individual to analyze. It sure is pleasant to see loved ones however, they always look young, healthy and happy!

The memory of our dreams is interesting. Most of time we forget what we just dreamed the night before. Sometimes you could write down notes of what you just dreamed as soon as you wake up when your thoughts are fresh, but you’ll notice if you just go about your day normally the memory will fade or is no longer there. The memory of our dreams diminishes as we fall back into our bodies and to the guidelines of the 3rd dimension.

Where do we go while dreaming? Do we go up to the 5th dimension?

**Answered by Juliano from Arcturus* Channeled:

“See, most of the dreaming involves traveling to the fourth dimension and not the fifth dimension. There are cases of advanced beings and light-workers who are able to go to the fifth dimension. But generally, the dream world occurs in the astral planes on the fourth dimension. Now there are the lower fourth, the middle fourth, and the higher fourth. Nightmares and violence or negative experiences usually are in the lower astral plane, that is where the dream world comes. Occasionally there’ll be higher messages. Now occasionally there will be messages from the fifth dimension, but that is rare. You have to understand that the spirit and the soul are tired by the third dimensional polarized duality world that you live in. I have recently described this as friction, that is living in the third dimensional world, there’s a lot of friction that wears you down. And the dream is a way, the dream world is a way of repairing the friction because you cannot release everything that you are processing in normal consciousness. The core idea is that dreams are not logical. This is again, it is almost like the quantum world. There’s no space, there’s no time, the way there is in the third dimension. And I could say that the dream world is like preparation for going into the higher realms, because you’re existing in a condition where space and time is different. And you all know that from your own dreams that sometimes many things are condensed. Condensation is one of the aspects of dreaming where you could take years of different experiences and condense it into a few seconds in the dream world.”

For more info on Juliano/Channeling: or many of Author David K. Miller’s Arcturian Channeled books.

Activated Sleeping

The subject of sleeping is absolutely fascinating to me. The question is why are we hardwired to sleep so frequently and even daily? We spend 8 hours every single day sleeping, this is a huge part of our lives here. We were designed to run perfectly parallel to Gaia’s 24 hour time table. Even our eyesight is not good at night as if it were intended for us to sleep when the Sun goes down. I’ve noticed over the past year or so the similarities between sleeping and a meditative calm state during a sound healing. What I’ve found is there’s a fine line between deep calmness and sleeping. For example, during a session quite often people will start snoring, but they are awake. How is that possible? It’s because the body can shut off while you are still awake.

The significance here is that the healing process your body goes through while sleeping, can also happen during an awakened calmness. This basis, I believe is the future of medical assistance and why I like to use the term “vibrational medicine” while describing what I offer as a sound healer.

Can the human body be “calibrated”? I believe it can be. When you sleep the body recharges its batteries in this stage of resting. Even the strongest, most rapid healing the body produces is during the time of sleep. While sleeping the body also fights off germs that can make you sick. It’s as if this stage of resting amplifies and thrusts healing into motion. A deep meditation works very similarly and shares many of the same characteristics as sleeping. The key is comfortably shutting the body off, quieting the mind and slowing the pace. The body will then feel safe enough to shut off, and by shutting off that allows areas to be activated. Now when you add a harmonic resonance in this stage, I feel the body can be recalibrated and even cleansed. Body parts can go into a state of healing and repairing. Emotional wounds can be altered to a higher sense of peace and physical injuries or sicknesses can accelerate a form of healing. In a way, it goes into a reset phase. Our bodies are advanced machines that have the mechanics to self-heal automatically, we are now in an era of discovering more natural ways of how to care for it and yet learn more about ourselves in our own personal journeys.

Speaking of sleeping, I haven’t even touched on a layer to all of this that is vitally just as compelling and that is our dreams! What is a dream, why do we dream, what role do dreams play? This subject deserves it’s own separate blog which I will work on…


I’m so excited about this photo! No filter and no effects. I walked into the Studio Sunday morning and was welcomed to a complete light show! 😯 The sun coming through a window making contact with the crystals. You really get to see the visual of what it looks like when crystals reflect light through them. One crystal in particular you can see the top half light up like a laser beam.

If you have done a guided meditation with me you know one of the common steps we do is to visualize sunlight coming into the room to ignite & illuminate the crystal grid. Well here’s a clear cut visual of what the crystal grid looks like.

This photo is significant because you can directly relate this (imagery) to our bodies. When you think about our soul, our spirit, our energetic system, our chakra platform, the Merkabah, the Prana tube it all starts with two main components: light ☀️ and colors 🌈. We are light beings, pulsating with multi-colored waves of harmonious light anchored in the heart as its core and reflecting outwards. Now let’s factor in the human body. How does light and the physical body come together? The chakra system forms our main circuitry and it is the junction point that connects biology to Divine Soul source. So again the photo provides a beautiful visual that is similar to the look of one’s aura. Just like a crystal, our bodies have the capacity to hold light. However our bodies depend upon water currents that flow in our blood stream, lubricating and hydrating every cell in the body. Water provides the body where all the elements interact and work with each other. It is the main communication link that carries not only essential nutrients, but also sound frequencies and is a strong conductor for electrical currents. We exist as electrically charged beings. What happens when water and sunlight come together? It creates the dazzling visual of the illumination of colors, the rainbow effect for us to see. A lot of times a waterfall is the perfect illustration of this. A crystal and water have many similarities.

I think this crystal photo would be great to use in a Meditation. Because of the illuminated crystal reflecting sunlight and the close relation to our Aura’s structure, I think you’ll be able to see the multi-layers of what we are made of for accurate inner performance. Even the waterfall visual is also an outstanding image for you to visualize during a Meditation for you to get into a pattern of seeing light and colors.

*Also as a side note: a couple years ago Redfin was doing an article about “where to place crystals in your home”. They contacted me to get my advice on the subject. I mentioned clear quartz 💎 simply because of the light reflection it produces. However they wouldn’t allow photos being displayed in the article due to copyright issues. I have similar photos of the light display in the studio, but nothing quite like these recent ones. But I sure would love to have a second go around on that Redfin article and show them photos. Wouldn’t you want something like this in your home? All it takes is one crystal and some natural light ☀️.


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