The Power of Shapes
This is really interesting. The image on the right is something I drew up last month and the image on the left is a crop circle. It was supposed to be for my own personal use, just to put the visuals in my head on paper.
So what is the drawing? It’s many things! It’s the collection of several famous geometric shapes all perfectly synced into one another. Shapes like the Yin & Yang symbol, The Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, the Infinity symbol and a few more. So if someone asks me “do you work with people’s Chakras?” I would say yes, but there’s so much more to it than that. The Aura, the soul, the spirit is multi-dimensional and understanding the depths of these shapes can really give us more knowledge of ourselves and our direct connection to the universe.
So the drawing represents 2 things for me personally. It’s the blueprint that I use when performing vibrational medicine, but it’s also the footprint for the crystal grid inside the studio space. The studio has 4 main pivotal crystal points and those are seen in the drawing by the four blue-colored dots around the outside border.
The photo of the crop circle is an image I stumbled upon randomly while studying shapes of crop circles. The images are almost identical. I honestly had no knowledge of the crop circle image. Never have seen that before, so it’s fascinating that my blueprint drawing that I developed happens to have remnants of this particular crop circle. Like I stated in the previous blog about “What is Gaia?” it comes down to three main components: Shapes, colors and sound. Exploring these topics in the future will give us answers to our past.