What is Gaia?
“Gaia” small word with a big meaning. Quite possibly the most important subject for us as humans to understand. In short, Gaia is Mother Nature. What if I told you Gaia is a spirit and a consciousness that can give and receive information based on human actions. We are interacting with a living planet. When you want to communicate with Gaia or when she communicates with us, you can always rely on the language of these 3 things: Shapes, color and sound. Let me take a small excerpt from Quan Yin and how she describes it: “Gaia, an entity of great light offered to embody the physical manifestation called Earth with her essence. She became the living guardian and host of everything on, and in it, embracing the role of Earth Mother”
As soon as you step outdoors, everything is alive. Some of it we can see with the naked eye and some of it we can’t. In the movie Avatar part 1 they really bring to life the outdoor landscape visually with fluorescent colors to the plants and trees. For a movie, this might make it easier to the appeasing eye. In the scene where Jake and Neytiri meet in the forest and the white light bugs land on Jake he asks Neytiri “what are these?” Her response is “those are seeds from the sacred tree, they are very pure spirits.” Here on Earth, Gaia is the same exact thing. Gaia is a very pure spirit. Take away the movie effects and CGI editing you’ll see Gaia is just as colorful if not more. Her movements are in alignment and responsive to humans actions. It is up to us in what we see and what we interpret in our connection to nature.
Let me give you another visual example. Have you ever seen the shows Blue Planet or Planet Earth on BBC narrated by David Attenborough? I think these shows are important because they allow you to see the planet functioning (without) human involvement. The breathtaking footage is based solely on animals and nature. The wonderful camera visuals they capture covers animals adapting to their specific climates, but also how animals and nature are one synchronized unit. Water, land and air animals all are precisely intertwined directly with Gaia’s heartbeat. How does climate affect animals and how do animals affect the climate? I believe this show is the single best thing you could watch that demonstrates the many layers of Gaia.
When you look at birds, they inherently know how to travel through the globe. They instinctively have knowledge of Earth’s ley lines/meridian’s and use them to find direction as if they have a all knowing internal compass. Last year I was working on a job site out in the country and I noticed different flocks of birds flying directly over the property in a unified shape as if it were a runway for them. When I looked up at the birds in awe day after day, it just felt like this is too exact to be a coincidence.
What is Gaia? It’s spiders designing webs that have mathematical proportions. How do spiders instinctively know how to make shapes? A moment I will never forget happened a few years ago when I was in my yard. I looked over and saw a beautiful spider web about 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide hanging in between two plants. It stopped me dead in my tracks because as I stared at it I noticed it was practically a hexagon with a circle directly in the middle. I mean this web had geometrical knowledge to it in the way it was constructed! Now that is what I call Gaia!
Now you could say “Jesse, so what you’re essentially saying is Gaia is basically Earth’s ecosystem? My response would be: Yes, but I’m bringing forth some unique examples that have expanded my own personal interpretation of Earth. Plants, animals, weather and landscape all work together globally as one to form life, but what we never talk about is humanity’s role in the ecosystem of Gaia. Just like when the sacred white light bugs landed on Jake, the forest was responding to him because he was pure spirit.
So what happens when humans create an imbalance with Gaia? How would she respond? In this era are we are living in now, this is the most polluted the planet has ever been. Humans are Gaia’s most harmful threat. Not because it’s over populated, rather it’s being misused. Cutting down trees, clearing thousands of acres of land to make room for cities, industry, farming and housing has an effect. Gaia moderates the health of the ecosystem and we can see it through her weather patterns or through the health of animal life. We know that polluting the planet affects climate change, what we might not fully grasp is how Mother Nature reacts to being injured or how connected the spirit of the Earth and humans truly are
Here’s a quote from David Attenborough to conclude this article:
“Our planet, the Earth, is, as far as we know, unique in the universe. It contains life. Even in its most barren stretches, there are animals. Around the equator, where those two essentials for life, sunshine and moisture, are most abundant, great forests grow. And here plants and animals proliferate in such numbers that we still have not even named all the different species. Here, animals and plants, insects and birds, mammals and man live together in intimate and complex communities, each dependent on one another. Two-thirds of the surface of this unique planet are covered by water, and it was here indeed that life began. From the oceans, it has spread even to the summits of the highest mountains as animals and plants have responded to the changing face of the Earth.”
*photo taken in my local park while I was going for walk