Meditation for Kids
This Meditation is kids friendly. I envision it being narrated by a parent to their kids or a teacher to the students. Narrate at a easy slow pace.
Laying down or sitting in a chair, It’s all up to you and what makes everyone comfortable. (It’s most important that wherever you choose to meditate that it’s generally quiet.)
This guided meditation is intended to illuminate love emotions from the heart with comforting words that young kids can relate to and learn the beginning steps of visualization. Also to give them the ground work of becoming familiar interacting with their inner voice.
• Close your eyes and sit still for 60 seconds.
• After 60 seconds take a nice, slow, gentle deep breath 😌
• Picture being outside in the Sun 🌞☀️
• Think about your parents being right there with you outside in the sunlight ❤️
• Feel the warmth of the Sun hitting your body.
• Picture your (pet or pets) 🐈 🦮 together with you and your parents.
• What do you like to do outside when you are enjoying a nice sunny day? Think about your best friends and playing your favorite games with them. Laughing, smiling and having fun with each other.
• With your inner voice, say it to yourself so nobody hears it but you: “Mommy I love you/Daddy I love you”.
• What are some of your favorite animals? A tiger 🐅 a elephant 🐘 a dolphin 🐬 a eagle 🦅 a butterfly 🦋? Use your imagination and picture your most favorite animals.
“Now feel your heartbeat” (pause for 10-15 seconds) after saying this to the child/children.
• Your heartbeat vibrates at a steady pace synchronized with your breathing ☯️
• Now picture a rainbow 🌈 of light and colors shining bright and centered at your heart 💚
• Pick your favorite color from the rainbow 🌈
• Which color do you see?
• Sunlight gives us energy, strength and health. It gives life to all the people around the whole entire world 🌎 and to all of Mother Nature.
• The trees 🌳 the plants 🌱the birds 🐦 the animals🐒 the mountains the ocean 🌊 all share loving energy together from colors that shine from the Sun 🌞
• Mother Earth, animals and all humans are united together through love and positive light.
• Pause for 15-20 seconds here and 1 more gentle deep breath to conclude.
Ask the kids what animal did they see? Which color did they see? Let them express their words as they just might share a lot more.