Purpose & Destination
After a meditation is over, sometimes do you think, “My mind was racing, I couldn’t quiet my thoughts”?
Being that I’m in this particular practice, I hear that come up once in a while with people. It could be that certain situations are weighing on you whether it’s work related or personal. When I hear someone say, “My mind was racing, all I could think about was work” – the person tends to express it as if it was let down.
Maybe the person’s expectations were to have a full-blown psychic past life multi-dimensional visualization reading, but I’m here to assure you that if you do think about work or family during a meditation then that is actually a good thing. During the time period of a deep calmness, there is no wrong way to think. The mind is not “racing” it’s working, it’s active. You are activating your core self which is the purest of angelic light. You have to trust in what your body is producing during a deep calmness. Let me give you an example: A lady that attended a session at the studio explained to me after the session was over that her mother is severely ill and that she’s in the hospital all the way across the country. This was of course a big concern for the client. I wanted to outline a couple things to her.
You inherently and naturally produce positive results, it’s in our genetics. Meaning even though she was feeling the worry of her mothers illness, when grounded into a fluent calmness her thought projection instinctively awakened the heart emotion. So she visited her mother’s hospital room telepathically. It’s like wishing someone well when they are sick. You could be hundreds of miles apart, but you are thought projecting about them praying for a healthy outcome. The only difference is during a meditation session you are hoping and praying with an distinctive purpose. So you might say, “Ah I couldn’t quiet my mind, my mom’s illness is really concerning me and I couldn’t stop thinking about her during the session.”
And I say, “Job well done, you did GREAT. I’m willing to bet your mother felt your loving presence in her hospital room.”
This is why I feel that thinking during a deep calmness about something that’s weighing on you is absolutely a good thing! By all means it’s not a let-down in fact it’s actually very effective on many levels.
Now with a “destination” – you can emotionally or visually go to a hospital room as I outlined earlier. You can easily telepathically travel to anywhere where you like. A portion of the guided meditation I do at the studio during a session is I’ll tell someone to, “Go to a outdoor environment that holds special memories.”
In some cases the person will travel back in time to a childhood memory where a meaningful landscape location holds a connection within them. That’s an example of going to a destination, which is extremely effective because now you are traveling back in time, seeing and feeling with your higher soul self. Your view, your vision, your consciousness is illuminated during this window of concentration which leads to a healthy response inside you. I believe this footprint of approach will hold its place in mental/emotional health in future years to come. The body heals itself, the medicine is already inside of us.