***This is a special blog with the help and assistance of Juliano from Arcturus. This was a specific question and subject I asked him during a monthly channeling he does. I will highlight his input! Enjoy!
Dreams are often an overlooked subject in today’s society, but vitally important and even mandatory in our everyday lives. We spend a very large portion of our time here sleeping and dreaming. 24 hours in a day, generally awake for 16 and asleep for 8. So why do we dream, what exactly is a dream and where do we go during the hours of a dream state? Let’s dive into it.
Why do we dream? When we fall asleep the physical body shuts off and goes into a stage of repairing and recharging itself. I would call it a “trickle charge” because that term refers to a slow, steady, constant charging current. The light source body then enters into the dream world in order to keep an open communication frequency with home base. For a descriptive visual, I would compare it to snorkeling. What I mean is when you dive too deep into water you have to come up for air. Dreaming is the same thing, we have to “come up for air” on a daily basis because of the density of the 3rd dimension and dreaming keeps us connected to the spirit world when we leave our bodies and go up to higher realms while sleeping.
The 3rd dimension is heavy, muddy, slow in motion and time (for a light being). This brings us back to the 24-hour time table. The density, the polarization, the duality and the parameters we experience here on Earth accumulate upon us like a swarm. It makes us tired and we literally can’t go more than 16 hours here without diving into the dream state to stay connected to our home source. It clears our psyche and while doing so this also allows the physical body crucial time to heal itself. A beautiful fusion between biology and the spirit.
What is a dream? Have you ever tried to run while in a dream? I’m sure you have. Kind of difficult huh? You want to run but really you just end up floating right? Well when you leave the human vessel and are in the outer limits of the 3rd dimension there is no need to run. Have you tried talking during a dream? You sure have. Notice it’s not necessarily talking with a vocal chord, but it is however talking and communicating telepathically. Let me try to explain that a touch more for clarity. You communicate with your inner voice. Inner voices are heard and telepathy is the universal form of communication in higher realms.
Now having said that, we all have to agree that dreams are weird. They are a mystery. They seem to be informative, but in a lot of cases we don’t know what to make of them. I’m in no position to even attempt to explain what the information we see in dreams is about. That’s for each individual to analyze. It sure is pleasant to see loved ones however, they always look young, healthy and happy!
The memory of our dreams is interesting. Most of time we forget what we just dreamed the night before. Sometimes you could write down notes of what you just dreamed as soon as you wake up when your thoughts are fresh, but you’ll notice if you just go about your day normally the memory will fade or is no longer there. The memory of our dreams diminishes as we fall back into our bodies and to the guidelines of the 3rd dimension.
Where do we go while dreaming? Do we go up to the 5th dimension?
**Answered by Juliano from Arcturus* Channeled:
“See, most of the dreaming involves traveling to the fourth dimension and not the fifth dimension. There are cases of advanced beings and light-workers who are able to go to the fifth dimension. But generally, the dream world occurs in the astral planes on the fourth dimension. Now there are the lower fourth, the middle fourth, and the higher fourth. Nightmares and violence or negative experiences usually are in the lower astral plane, that is where the dream world comes. Occasionally there’ll be higher messages. Now occasionally there will be messages from the fifth dimension, but that is rare. You have to understand that the spirit and the soul are tired by the third dimensional polarized duality world that you live in. I have recently described this as friction, that is living in the third dimensional world, there’s a lot of friction that wears you down. And the dream is a way, the dream world is a way of repairing the friction because you cannot release everything that you are processing in normal consciousness. The core idea is that dreams are not logical. This is again, it is almost like the quantum world. There’s no space, there’s no time, the way there is in the third dimension. And I could say that the dream world is like preparation for going into the higher realms, because you’re existing in a condition where space and time is different. And you all know that from your own dreams that sometimes many things are condensed. Condensation is one of the aspects of dreaming where you could take years of different experiences and condense it into a few seconds in the dream world.”
For more info on Juliano/Channeling: GroupofForty.com or many of Author David K. Miller’s Arcturian Channeled books.