Activated Sleeping
The subject of sleeping is absolutely fascinating to me. The question is why are we hardwired to sleep so frequently and even daily? We spend 8 hours every single day sleeping, this is a huge part of our lives here. We were designed to run perfectly parallel to Gaia’s 24 hour time table. Even our eyesight is not good at night as if it were intended for us to sleep when the Sun goes down. I’ve noticed over the past year or so the similarities between sleeping and a meditative calm state during a sound healing. What I’ve found is there’s a fine line between deep calmness and sleeping. For example, during a session quite often people will start snoring, but they are awake. How is that possible? It’s because the body can shut off while you are still awake.
The significance here is that the healing process your body goes through while sleeping, can also happen during an awakened calmness. This basis, I believe is the future of medical assistance and why I like to use the term “vibrational medicine” while describing what I offer as a sound healer.
Can the human body be “calibrated”? I believe it can be. When you sleep the body recharges its batteries in this stage of resting. Even the strongest, most rapid healing the body produces is during the time of sleep. While sleeping the body also fights off germs that can make you sick. It’s as if this stage of resting amplifies and thrusts healing into motion. A deep meditation works very similarly and shares many of the same characteristics as sleeping. The key is comfortably shutting the body off, quieting the mind and slowing the pace. The body will then feel safe enough to shut off, and by shutting off that allows areas to be activated. Now when you add a harmonic resonance in this stage, I feel the body can be recalibrated and even cleansed. Body parts can go into a state of healing and repairing. Emotional wounds can be altered to a higher sense of peace and physical injuries or sicknesses can accelerate a form of healing. In a way, it goes into a reset phase. Our bodies are advanced machines that have the mechanics to self-heal automatically, we are now in an era of discovering more natural ways of how to care for it and yet learn more about ourselves in our own personal journeys.
Speaking of sleeping, I haven’t even touched on a layer to all of this that is vitally just as compelling and that is our dreams! What is a dream, why do we dream, what role do dreams play? This subject deserves it’s own separate blog which I will work on…