Light Thinking in a Heavy World
I’ve noticed lately that wrongful expectations are being put on the act of Meditation. It’s as if the word “Meditation” is holding so much weight now that it’s almost become a turnoff for people to do or to enjoy. One of the most common things I hear people say is “I have trouble quieting my mind, it won’t turn off.” That’s perfectly normal and please don’t think that something is wrong or have it discourage you. I almost don’t even think we should use the word Meditate anymore. It feels like one single word can box you in, and in a way become like a forced act under a time limit. How about just going through the act of sitting quiet for however long you feel comfortable, without any expectations or attached philosophies of what should or shouldn’t happen. Let’s not call it anything or think you failed because a galactic spiritual psychic reading of past life visuals didn’t come to you when you closed your eyes while sitting cross legged in a lotus position.
At the same time, yes it has become more difficult to shut off the mind. Why? Well in this day and age there’s a problem of individuals being swarmed by electronics. It’s created an alternate universe, a virtual false reality. The amount of time spent in digital worlds is hurting us mentally, physically, and spiritually. The way humans now communicate has changed and not for the better. We were designed to talk, it is healthy to talk to friends and family and be able to express or listen to people in our lives. How often do we do that anymore? This isolated way of life is not natural. Therefore our minds and bodies are a bit confused now. Technology has forced our brains to become fast paced with a short attention span. So if you are staring at your phone or computer for a good amount of time then try to “quiet the mind” for Meditation that connection becomes a bit harder to plug into. It’s like being in the dark then turning on a light, it’s quite startling at first and takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust as opposed to having a dimmer switch and turning the light to a low setting. It’s so much more comforting and easy on the eyes when going from a dark setting to a bright setting having a adjustable dimmer light to make it soft and gradual on the eyes. The mind is being overwhelmed with instant and constant information from electronics that when you try to sit in silence the transition comes on too strong like the light switch. This is resulting in difficulties of enjoying a comfortable silence
We also need to stop minimizing Meditation into a 20 minute silent act with eyes closed and sitting crossed legged. Your 3rd eye is always on. Not just for 20 minutes, it’s on and alert for 24 hours. Eyes closed or eyes shut, do you trust in what you see and feel through imagery? The visualization is always there with you in every step of your daily life. The third eye never takes time off. In fact, it’s so efficient that unfortunately the connection becomes almost too routine. Driving in your car, watching TV, conversing with someone, walking down the street, you’ll notice that there’s a whole other layer to you and constantly feeding you visuals. This is why it’s important to be in sync with your intuition. Meditating shouldn’t have a time clock, it’s active at all times.
This is directed for those trying to Meditate on your own time. In a electronic-driven era we have to evolve and adapt to the environment. Even though computer technology is not healthy for the development of our spirituality, let’s now use it as a platform to shed the old standards. Let’s take it and turn Meditation into a harmonic flow for everyday life situations and make “quieting of the mind” not feel like a homework assignment but a enjoyable and pleasant way of life.