What is Normal?
Being in this field of “alternative medicine” I have to talk a lot, explain myself and describe what I do. In many ways I love taking on that task, I truly enjoy talking with people about this subject matter because hey, it’s what I’m most passionate about so I welcome any chance or opportunity to talk with people about it.
I write blogs, I make Instagram videos, I do 30-minute speeches/presentations, I have lengthy consultations with clients, I answer phone calls or emails answering questions, I have a pretty descriptive website outlining and explaining what energy healing or my approach is about. I do whatever it takes to give people a clear picture and understanding of what I offer or what Earth’s elements can do for us. However, sometimes I laugh to myself and catch myself in the moment in the midst of explaining my views. In many ways I’m an outcast, the guy who is the “alternative” option, the outsider, or the guy who’s into the “new age” and “hippie” stuff. So all this talking and explaining I do almost in a way turns into a feeling or notion of defending myself. A lot of people are skeptical of what I do and that’s the honest truth. Part of me laughs because all I’m demonstrating is what we are supposed to do, what are bodies and spiritual DNA were specifically designed to do.
There are great energy waves around the planet because Earth is alive, nature has its own healing vibrational hum. Our physical bodies and our energetic fields just happen to run perfectly synchronized with Earth’s essence when true balance is achieved. It’s a two-way street, Earth helps us and we in return are supposed to help Earth back. The planet is its own self-regulating organism, meaning it will respond when harmed, but also will respond when maintained with the proper care. Isn’t this normal?
Why am I the outcast for promoting this? Why do people look at me with such skepticism? Why is a sound healing considered a substitute exercise, or the alternative medicine? Why does it feel that I have to convince or win people over by constantly going to bat for what I feel should have been something embedded in us since we were toddlers. I no longer make videos for Instagram due to the amount of people who would unfollow me after every video I posted. What is going on here, it’s like I’m in a parallel universe.
I’m in the same position when it comes to the food I eat since I’m vegan. People always look at me like “oh he’s vegan” he’s one of those people and then the inevitable question always comes “Jesse so what do you eat since you don’t eat meat anymore?” Well let’s see……… I eat ummmm……… food. You know the food that sprouts from the planet’s soil and specifically has the vitamins, nutrients, and proteins made precisely for our bodies and has zero negative effects or risk of heart disease or cancer if over-consumed. Yeah that’s the stuff I eat, sorry for being weird and different. This line of thinking goes along with sound healings too, where I almost feel apologetic, like I want to voice my opinion but not too loudly to where I might disturb or piss someone off.
What I offer as a practitioner at Singing Bowl Healing is unique and different. I don’t do sound baths, I do sound healings. My approach is to use sound as a medicine, it’s very calculated and methodically thought out with rigorous attention. This is why I love talking about what I do, and since it is so different compared to other healing modalities it requires me to be very descriptive about it. Before every event I do I (always) include a presentation of some sort, or workshop so I can explain what will transpire through out the event and the thought process behind every move and intention that takes place.
All I ask for is a bit more of normalcy here, I’m not the bad guy, the “hippie”, the “healer guy” and so forth. Let’s get up to speed here of what is normal as a lifestyle or personal way of living. Laboratory drugs are not normal, they’re quite disturbing and troubling. I say this only because I’ve had people come to me in pain and stress looking for a better way to get to true health and to find answers that they are not getting from their doctors in a medical system that we put our trust into. Something isn’t right when I’m the one who gets looked at with suspicion or doubt in society’s view so maybe we need to start changing what is “normal”.