Sound Healings with No Sound
Last weekend I attended the Sonoma Strong Healing Fair at the Santa Rosa fairgrounds as a practitioner offering free Sound Massages. This event was free for all people but is driven to accommodate victims of the catastrophic fires we had last year in Sonoma County. The building the event was taking place in was huge and it was packed with a wide range of different practitioners who had all kinds of healing modalities. I was taking back by how many healers were there, I mean it was practically a trade show for holistic healings.
My set up in particular was not in the huge room with all the others. I was in a separate room with about 15 other booths. I was doing this event under SongBird Healing Center and not under Singing Bowl Healing. I was helping promote the healing center but still was able to pass out my brochures so it was a win/win for both parties. The room that we had our booth set up in was the same room that they were doing speech’s and presentations over a PA system. Along with that next to our table was the row of tables that all attendees stand in line to get raffle tickets. The place was very crowded with people and it was LOUD.
Excited that so many people were there but was a bit worried doing sound healings in this type of environment. However it was not new to me, I’ve done a yoga festival with a live band 30 yards away from my canopy, I’ve done farmers markets with a wide variety of loud commotions, I’ve done events in rooms with so many people laughing and talking that it made me well seasoned and trained. All these events and situations have one thing in common, you cannot hear the singing bowls.
That’s right, a Sound Healing with no sound. I’m playing the singing bowls exactly how I would in a quiet setting, I’m not changing my technique or approach. I’m playing the bowls, I cannot hear them, the client can only hear a very low faint humming barely noticeable. So why even do a sound healing if you can’t hear the sound? Because it’s still effective, it still works. If you can’t (hear) the sound, you can (feel) the sound. Vibrations are going to do their job regardless, sound waves don’t care that there’s somebody in the same room giving a speech over a live microphone. The harmonic tones are cleansing the particles around you. The sound waves especially resonate with your energy field, the Auric body. That is why people tend to feel rejuvenated and feel a deep sense of peace emotionally because the vibrations tap into your true essence.
You may ask, how do I know if these sound healings are still being effective, what’s the proof? Good question. Well, I get feed back from the client, not that I have them fill out a questionnaire or something but I just listen to what they have to say about how they are feeling and how the experience was if they choose to open up about it. I also look at the client as if I was doing a before and after body scan. I do that with everybody I work on weather it’s a a public event or in my office that’s a important note I take. And I still see the results, you can see the clients body and energy field look brighter, cleansed, lighter, calm yet energized.
There is no question about it, if I had my choice I don’t ever want to do these sound healings in a loud environment, but it just shows and proves to me with the upmost confidence that this type of natural medicine will be a step of normality in the future.