Past lives, reincarnation, why are we here? These are some of my favorite topics to think about. It really is fascinating and humbling when you step back from the hustle and hectic lifestyles we live day to day and you recognize the big picture. When you see it, when you feel it in your heart such a sense of understanding comes over you that it is a reminder of what our true essence is.

The subject of past lives is one that I wanted to focus on in this particular blog. To understand past lives, of course who have to understand the concept and the system of (you) living multiple times through out time.

You are a developed personality, a light being filled with energy, wisdom and consciousness. Every single time I hear the past lives topic come up it’s always referenced as a burden, like “oh you are carrying karma from a past life” or “oh you’re having trouble in this life because of something that happened in one of your past lives.” I (never) hear how rewarding your accomplishments are from past lives. We all know life here is no walk in the park, life is beautiful yet challenging. It’s the process, the system designed for us to grow and elevate and to become the single best version of ourselves.

With each incarnation we bring more knowledge, more experience, more accomplishments. Emotional battle wounds that we can now stand tall through it all and be proud of our own journeys to get here no matter how hard it seems to be at times. Don’t ever doubt who you are, don’t ever underestimate or look down to how far you’ve come.

Your past lives are badges of honor, our way of life through each incarnation is not a system of punishment, it’s a system built on the principle of love. It’s for you to grow and get better each day, each week, each year, each decade and each lifetime feel yourself maturing emotionally and spiritually. Life gets better as you get older doesn’t it? It gets easier because you become smarter, your appreciation gets stronger with age, you start to see life in all forms is a gift for us. 

There are ways to get your past life info. You can talk to a psychic, astrologist or a range of healers to get the ball rolling for you. Ultimately it’s then up to you, it comes down to how you meditate. Meditation with a distinct purpose and intention, the answers are right there waiting for you. Sound is a great tool to easily bring your thought waves to a Theta state where imagery becomes sharp and clear when your eyes are closed.

Your past life memories should become as clear as your childhood memories. It’s all in your little data bank, waiting to be accessed. A well executed meditation is like plugging your phone into a charger, you subconscious mind gets charged when you tap in. Think of it that way, so if you sit down and meditate for 30 minutes that’s like plugging your phone into a charger and the subconscious memories now are obtainable when your spirit is charged. Hope this helps, because I truly believe that bringing some of your past life memories to the forefront for you is the greatest spiritual awakening you can have .