Crossing Over
One week ago today my Grandma who was 92 years old crossed over. She was the last grandparent that I had and now she is back home in the spirit world. She passed just like she would have preferred, in her own home, in her own bedroom. Her home was her pride and joy, it was everything to her, so it was perfectly right for her to cross over in the space that she was so happy in. My Grandma was the backbone of the family, it was her house that we would spend most holidays at and it was her who always put together those holiday family meals with her Italian touch. That wonderful Italian cooking never got old, the pasta, lasagna, spaghetti and clams or sausage ‘n’ bell peppers.
About a week before she passed my Mom suggested that I should play some singing bowls for my Grandma, to possibly put her at ease and take away some pain temporarily, because my Mom sensed that Grandma didn’t have much longer to live. She was holding back in the last month, fighting to live because of her fear of dying. Her body was old and broken down, it had 92 years of mileage and by this time she had aches, cramps, irritation, and strain. I thought to myself, yes of course, what a great idea this is something I have to do and it will be my chance to show her my love and gratitude in the best way I can.
I came over to her house with 7 of my bowls, she had no idea what they were, what they sounded like, or what they are used for. She laid in her bed, I told her to close her eyes and relax. My intentions were focused, to get her in a calming state of relaxation and bliss. The bowls love it when they are played with a purpose, it’s as if they are angels just waiting for your direction – and only know one frequency and that is to help and heal. I played the bowls for about 25-30 minutes using some of my techniques that I feel are effective.
I looked at her as I played and could tell she was definitely at ease but at the same time a look on her face as if she’s thinking “what the heck is going on”, as she went back and forth between closing and opening her eyes every few minutes or so. When I stopped playing the bowls I asked her “so how did that feel”?
She looked happy, free of discomfort or pain but yet a somewhat baffled look on her face. We hugged, she thanked me and not a few minutes later she fell asleep in her bed. This is my last memory of her, this was our last time together and I think for both of us it was an amazing moment to share together especially since it would be our last. After I left that evening, my Mom asked her what she thought and how she felt. My Grandma was a bit taken back about how the sounds of the bowls can work such wonders, she described something that will always stick with me, she said she felt her pain “float away”.
For me this a bit of a breakthrough, the majority of my experience so far has been to heal the emotional pain one might carry, but I’ve yet to really open the door on the possibilities of when the body is in physical type pain. In my work, I believe if you heal and tune the soul first and foremost, the body will follow suit and release any sort pain or sickness. I can and will prove this to the world, I just need time.
The clients I’ve had so far haven’t necessarily been in physical pain at the time. I focus on past, present, and future – your life timeline, the chakras, meditation, the other-side and much more to illuminate your soul naturally. It’s an approach that I’m crafting and always looking to refine and make better as I go along, but to take on a person who is in direct discomfort or injured, as I do a session is an an area that I would gladly take on.
This is why what my Grandma experienced will always be sort of a seed for me, a foundation for me to look back on as a starting point and a story I will tell for years to come. Whether it’s pain, cancer, Alzheimer’s, autism, or anything else I know the possibilities are infinite when using sound as a natural remedy. We did this before, in ancient times and we can do it again in the present to make any ailment or illness “float away”.