Hands of Gold
“Hands of Gold” is hosted by Songbird Community Healing Center in downtown Cotati on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month. I’m now a practitioner for Songbird and will be involved with these events along with other events throughout the year. If you can’t make a session at my office in Santa Rosa this is a great alternative to get a feel of how sound healing works.
There are also a nice variety of other healers there too. For a very small donation you can come in and get healings, advice, or readings done by outstanding practitioners who are eager to help you out in any way possible. The “Hands of Gold” sessions start at 7:30 PM and you can check out their website for more info on this and other events that are going on there daily. It’s fun, relaxing and a pleasant way to spend an evening.
Visit Songbird Community Healing Center online.