Getting Started
The Singing Bowl Healing Studio is complete and ready to raise the frequency! I have a lot of people to thank who have wholeheartedly put forth their efforts to get this going from the ground up. I want to thank my parents for all the support they have giving me. To have this project is my dream. Thank you for everything you helped me with to make this idea come to life.
I want to thank Rene Morales for the exceptional logo design and all the rest of the images that look sensational! A true friend for all the help through this process.
Thank you to Elvira Morales for taking the time to design and build the A-Frame street signs and for giving me ideas on room design. The signs are incredible, thank you so much for your time and effort.
Thanks to Zac Wheatcroft for the support, advice, and website design. I know there’s plenty more to come of those wise words.
Thank you to Jodi for having me at Sky Hawk Village. To think that I walked in there after a days work in my construction clothes, with no website, business cards, or any other proof of my business talking about how I’m starting sound healing with singing bowls must have been a bit unusual, lol.
Thank you for allowing me to have this at your shopping center which is the perfect place for me.
Lots of new crystals have been added to the room over the last week. More natural healing has been combined! I will talk more about this in the next blog.